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(personal situation)

  • 1 personal

    personal ['pɜ:sənəl]
    (a) (individual → experience, belief etc) personnel;
    she tries to give her work a personal touch elle essaie de donner une touche personnelle à son travail;
    my personal opinion is that he drowned personnellement, je crois qu'il s'est noyé;
    you get more personal attention in small shops on s'occupe mieux de vous dans les petits magasins;
    will you do me a personal favour? pourriez-vous m'accorder une faveur?
    (b) (in person) personnel;
    under the personal supervision of the author supervisé personnellement par l'auteur;
    the boss made a personal visit to the scene le patron est venu lui-même ou en personne sur les lieux;
    we were expecting a personal appearance by the Prime Minister nous pensions que le Premier ministre ferait une apparition en personne;
    personal callers welcome (sign) vente en gros et au détail
    (c) (private → message, letter) personnel;
    personal and private (on letter) strictement confidentiel
    this is for my personal use ceci est destiné à mon usage personnel
    (e) (intimate → feelings, reasons, life) personnel;
    for personal reasons pour des raisons personnelles;
    I'd like to see her on a personal matter je voudrais la voir pour des raisons personnelles;
    just a few personal friends rien que quelques amis intimes
    (f) (offensive) désobligeant;
    personal remark remarque f désobligeante;
    there's no need to be so personal! ce n'est pas la peine de t'en prendre à moi!;
    nothing personal! ne le prenez pas pour vous!, n'y voyez rien de personnel!;
    it's nothing personal but… ça n'a rien de personnel mais…;
    the discussion was getting rather personal la discussion prenait un tour un peu trop personnel
    (g) Grammar personnel;
    personal pronoun pronom m personnel
    2 noun
    American (advert) petite annonce f (pour rencontres)
    ►► personal accident insurance assurance f contre les accidents corporels;
    personal account Banking compte m personnel; Stock Exchange compte m de tiers; Accountancy compte m propre;
    familiar personal ad petite annonce f (pour rencontres);
    Finance personal allowance abattement m (sur l'impôt sur le revenu);
    Banking personal assets patrimoine m;
    Banking personal assets profile profil m patrimonial;
    personal assistant (of executive) assistant(e) m,f; (with secretarial duties) secrétaire mf de direction;
    personal belongings objets mpl personnels, affaires fpl;
    Sport personal best record m personnel;
    he ran a personal best in the 200 m il a battu son propre record or record personnel sur 200 m;
    Telecommunications personal call appel m personnel ou privé;
    is this a personal call? c'est personnel?;
    personal column petites annonces fpl (pour rencontres);
    to put an ad in the personal column passer une petite annonce;
    Computing personal computer ordinateur m individuel ou personnel, PC m;
    personal computing informatique f individuelle;
    personal credit crédit m personnel;
    Computing personal digital assistant agenda m électronique de poche, assistant m numérique de poche;
    personal effects effets mpl personnels;
    personal estate biens mpl mobiliers personnels;
    British formerly Finance personal equity plan plan m d'épargne en actions;
    personal foul (in basketball) faute f personnelle;
    Computing personal home page page f personnelle, page f perso;
    personal hygiene hygiène f corporelle;
    he has a personal hygiene problem il ne doit pas se laver bien souvent;
    Banking personal identification number code m confidentiel (d'une carte bancaire);
    British Finance Personal Investment Authority = organisme chargé de surveiller les activités des conseillers financiers indépendants et de protéger les petits investisseurs;
    personal loan prêt m personnel, prêt m personnalisé;
    personal maid femme f de chambre;
    Marketing personal observation observation f en situation;
    personal organizer organiseur m; (electronic) agenda m électronique, organiseur m;
    Finance personal pension plan retraite f personnelle;
    personal possessions objets mpl personnels, affaires fpl;
    personal property biens mpl mobiliers personnels;
    Marketing personal selling ventes fpl personnelles;
    personal shopper acheteur(euse) m,f personnel(elle);
    personal stereo Walkman ® m, officially recommended term baladeur m;
    personal trainer entraîneur(euse) m,f personnel(elle);
    American personal watercraft scooter m des mers, jet-ski m;
    Banking personal withdrawal levée f de compte

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > personal

  • 2 personal

    personal (on letter) personnel
    INSURANCE personal accident insurance assurance f contre les accidents corporels;
    personal account BANKING compte m individuel; STOCK EXCHANGE compte de tiers; ACCOUNTANCY compte propre;
    personal assets patrimoine m;
    BANKING personal assets profile profil m patrimonial;
    personal assistant (of executive) assistant(e) m, f; (with secretarial duties) secrétaire m f de direction;
    COMPUTING personal computer ordinateur m individuel;
    COMPUTING personal computing informatique f individuelle;
    personal credit crédit m personnel;
    COMPUTING personal digital assistant agenda m électronique de poche, assistant m numérique de poche;
    personal effects effets m pl personnels;
    formerly FINANCE personal equity plan ≃ plan m d'épargne en actions;
    personal estate propriété f mobilière;
    BANKING personal identification number code m confidentiel (d'une carte bancaire); personal injury dommage m corporel;
    British Personal Investment Authority = organisme chargé de surveiller les activités des conseillers financiers indépendants et de protéger les petits investisseurs;
    personal legacy legs m particulier;
    BANKING personal loan prêt m personnel, prêt personnalisé;
    MARKETING personal observation observationf en situation;
    personal organizer (book) agenda; (electronic) agenda électronique;
    personal pension plan retraite f personnelle;
    personal property biens m personnels;
    MARKETING personal selling ventes f pl personnelles;
    BANKING personal withdrawals levées f de compte

    English-French business dictionary > personal

  • 3 Personal Essay

       The hallmark of the personal essay is its intimacy. The writer seems to be speaking directly into your ear, confiding everything from gossip to wisdom. Through sharing thoughts, memories, desires, complaints, and whimsies, the personal essayist sets up a relationship with the reader, a dialogue-a friendship, if you will, based on identification, understanding, testiness, and companionship.
       At the core of the personal essay is the supposition that there is a certain unity to human experience. As Michel de Montaigne, the great innovator and patron saint of personal essayists, put it, "Every man has within himself the entire human condition."...
       In the final analysis, the personal essay represents a mode of being. It points a way for the self to function with relative freedom in an uncertain world. Skeptical yet gyroscopically poised, undeceived but finally tolerant of flaws and inconsistencies, this mode of being suits the modern existential situation, which Montaigne first diagnosed. His recognition that human beings were surrounded by darkness, with nothing particularly solid to cling to, led to a philosophical acceptance that one had to make oneself up from moment to moment. (Lopate, 1994, pp. xxiii, xliv)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Personal Essay

  • 4 situation

    حَالَة \ case: a state of affairs; a condition: In most cases we can help, but your case is different, an example (esp. of a disease) There were three cases of food-poisoning in our class. circumstance: the facts connected with a person or event; the conditions; the case: He died in very strange circumstances. In (or under) the circumstances, I shall not punish you. condition: state: in good condition; in a dirty condition. phase: one period during a course of change; the look of a thing during that period: The baby was going through a noisy phase. Watch the phases of the moon. position: a personal condition: His death left me in a difficult position. repair: condition (of sth. that is not new and might need repair): Your house is in good repair. situation: position; state of affairs: The loss of several teachers left the headmaster in a difficult situation. state: condition: a dirty state; a state of confusion. \ See Also وضع (وَضْع)، ظرف (ظَرْف)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > situation

  • 5 situation

    وَضْع \ installation: (an act of) installing; sth. that is installed. position: the way that one’s body is placed: She was sitting in an uncomfortable position, with her legs twisted, a personal condition His death left me in a difficult position. situation: position; state of affairs: The loss of several teachers left the headmaster in a difficult situation.

    Arabic-English glossary > situation

  • 6 personal belongings

    [Douanes] effets (ou objets) personnels. personal circumstances of so. (Soc.) situation personnelle d'un individu

    English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > personal belongings

  • 7 personal belongings effects

    [Douanes] effets (ou objets) personnels. personal circumstances of so. (Soc.) situation personnelle d'un individu

    English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > personal belongings effects

  • 8 personal circumstances of so.

    Soc. situation personnelle d'un individu

    English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > personal circumstances of so.

  • 9 personal observation

    observationf en situation

    English-French business dictionary > personal observation

  • 10 personal life situation

    Авиационная медицина: личная жизненная ситуация

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > personal life situation

  • 11 personal life situation

    Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > personal life situation

  • 12 place

    1. noun
    1) Ort, der; (spot) Stelle, die; Platz, der

    I left it in a safe placeich habe es an einem sicheren Ort gelassen

    it was still in the same placees war noch an derselben Stelle od. am selben Platz

    all over the place — überall; (coll.): (in a mess) ganz durcheinander (ugs.)

    in placeshier und da; (in parts) stellenweise

    find a place in something(be included) in etwas (Akk.) eingehen; see also academic.ru/73191/take">take 1. 4)

    2) (fig.): (rank, position) Stellung, die

    know one's place — wissen, was sich für einen gehört

    3) (building or area for specific purpose)

    a [good] place to park/to stop — ein [guter] Platz zum Parken/eine [gute] Stelle zum Halten

    do you know a good/cheap place to eat? — weißt du, wo man gut/billig essen kann?

    place of residence — Wohnort, der

    place of work — Arbeitsplatz, der; Arbeitsstätte, die

    place of worship — Andachtsort, der

    4) (country, town) Ort, der

    Paris/Italy is a great place — Paris ist eine tolle Stadt/Italien ist ein tolles Land (ugs.)

    place of birth — Geburtsort, der

    go places(coll.) herumkommen (ugs.); (fig.) es [im Leben] zu was bringen (ugs.)

    5) (coll.): (premises) Bude, die (ugs.); (hotel, restaurant, etc.) Laden, der (ugs.)

    she is at his/John's place — sie ist bei ihm/John

    [shall we go to] your place or mine? — [gehen wir] zu dir oder zu mir?

    6) (seat etc.) [Sitz]platz, der

    change places [with somebody] — [mit jemandem] die Plätze tauschen; (fig.) [mit jemandem] tauschen

    lay a/another place — ein/noch ein Gedeck auflegen

    7) (in book etc.) Stelle, die

    lose one's placedie Seite verschlagen od. verblättern; (on page) nicht mehr wissen, an welcher Stelle man ist

    8) (step, stage)

    why didn't you say so in the first place?warum hast du das nicht gleich gesagt?

    in the first/second/third etc. place — erstens/zweitens/drittens usw.

    9) (proper place) Platz, der

    everything fell into place(fig.) alles wurde klar

    into placefest[nageln, -schrauben, -kleben]

    out of placenicht am richtigen Platz; (several things) in Unordnung; (fig.) fehl am Platz

    10) (position in competition) Platz, der

    take first/second etc. place — den ersten/zweiten usw. Platz belegen

    11) (job, position, etc.) Stelle, die; (as pupil; in team, crew) Platz, der
    12) (personal situation)
    2. transitive verb
    1) (put) (vertically) stellen; (horizontally) legen

    place in position — richtig hinstellen/hinlegen

    place an announcement/advertisement in a paper — eine Anzeige/ein Inserat in eine Zeitung setzen

    2) (fig.)

    place one's trust in somebody/something — sein Vertrauen auf od. in jemanden/etwas setzen

    3) in p.p. (situated) gelegen

    we are well placed for buses/shops — etc. wir haben es nicht weit zur Bushaltestelle/zum Einkaufen usw.

    how are you placed for time/money? — (coll.) wie steht's mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld?

    4) (find situation or home for) unterbringen ( with bei)
    5) (class, identify) einordnen; einstufen

    I've seen him before but I can't place him — ich habe ihn schon einmal gesehen, aber ich weiß nicht, wo ich ihn unterbringen soll

    be placed second in the raceim Rennen den zweiten Platz belegen

    * * *
    [pleis] 1. noun
    1) (a particular spot or area: a quiet place in the country; I spent my holiday in various different places.) der Ort
    2) (an empty space: There's a place for your books on this shelf.) der Platz
    3) (an area or building with a particular purpose: a market-place.) der Platz
    4) (a seat (in a theatre, train, at a table etc): He went to his place and sat down.) der Platz
    5) (a position in an order, series, queue etc: She got the first place in the competition; I lost my place in the queue.) der Platz
    6) (a person's position or level of importance in society etc: You must keep your secretary in her place.) der Platz
    7) (a point in the text of a book etc: The wind was blowing the pages of my book and I kept losing my place.) die Stelle
    8) (duty or right: It's not my place to tell him he's wrong.) die Aufgabe
    9) (a job or position in a team, organization etc: He's got a place in the team; He's hoping for a place on the staff.) der Platz
    10) (house; home: Come over to my place.) die Wohnung
    11) ((often abbreviated to Pl. when written) a word used in the names of certain roads, streets or squares.) der Platz
    12) (a number or one of a series of numbers following a decimal point: Make the answer correct to four decimal places.) die Stelle
    2. verb
    1) (to put: He placed it on the table; He was placed in command of the army.) stellen, setzen
    2) (to remember who a person is: I know I've seen her before, but I can't quite place her.) einordnen
    - place-name
    - go places
    - in the first
    - second place
    - in place
    - in place of
    - out of place
    - put oneself in someone else's place
    - put someone in his place
    - put in his place
    - take place
    - take the place of
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. (location) Ort m
    I hate busy \places ich hasse Orte, an denen viel los ist
    the hotel was one of those big, old-fashioned \places das Hotel war eines dieser großen altmodischen Häuser
    we're staying at a bed-and-breakfast \place wir übernachten in einer Frühstückspension
    let's go to a pizza \place lass uns eine Pizza essen gehen
    this is the exact \place! das ist genau die Stelle!
    this plant needs a warm, sunny \place diese Pflanze sollte an einem warmen, sonnigen Ort stehen
    Scotland is a very nice \place Schottland ist ein tolles Land fam
    that café is a nice \place dieses Café ist echt nett fam
    a nice little \place at the seaside ein netter kleiner Ort am Meer
    please put this book back in its \place bitte stell dieses Buch wieder an seinen Platz zurück
    this is the \place my mother was born hier wurde meine Mutter geboren
    sorry, I can't be in two \places at once tut mir leid, ich kann nicht überall gleichzeitig sein
    \place of birth Geburtsort m
    \place of custody Verwahrungsort m
    \place of death Sterbeort m
    \place of delivery Erfüllungsort m
    \place of employment Arbeitsplatz m
    \place of jurisdiction Gerichtsstand m
    \place of performance Erfüllungsort m
    \place of refuge Zufluchtsort m
    \place of residence Wohnort m
    a \place in the sun ( fig) ein Plätzchen an der Sonne
    \place of work Arbeitsplatz m, Arbeitsstätte f
    to go \places AM weit herumkommen, viel sehen
    in \places stellenweise
    this plant still exists in \places diese Pflanze kommt noch vereinzelt vor
    2. no pl (appropriate setting) [geeigneter] Ort
    this meeting isn't the \place to discuss individual cases diese Konferenz ist nicht der Ort, um Einzelfälle zu diskutieren
    university was not the \place for me die Universität war irgendwie nicht mein Ding fam
    that bar is not a \place for a woman like you Frauen wie du haben in solch einer Bar nichts verloren
    I'm looking for a \place to live ich bin auf Wohnungssuche
    we'll have a meeting at my \place/Susan's \place wir treffen uns bei mir/bei Susan
    where's your \place? wo wohnst du?; ( fam)
    your \place or mine? zu dir oder zu mir?
    they're trying to buy a larger \place wir sind auf der Suche nach einer größeren Wohnung
    4. ( fig: position, rank) Stellung f
    she's got friends in high \places sie hat Freunde in hohen Positionen
    they have a \place among the country's leading exporters sie zählen zu den führenden Exporteuren des Landes
    it's not your \place to tell me what to do es steht dir nicht zu, mir zu sagen, was ich zu tun habe
    I'm not criticizing you — I know my \place das ist keine Kritik — das würde ich doch nie wagen!
    to keep sb in their \place jdn in seine Schranken weisen
    to put sb in his/her \place [or show sb his/her \place] jdm zeigen, wo es langgeht fam
    in \place of stattdessen
    you can use margarine in \place of butter statt Butter kannst du auch Margarine nehmen
    I invited Jo in \place of Les, who was ill Les war krank, daher habe ich Jo eingeladen
    to be in \place an seinem Platz sein; ( fig: completed) fertig [o abgeschlossen] sein
    the chairs were all in \place die Stühle waren alle dort, wo sie sein sollten; ( fig)
    the arrangements are all in \place now die Vorbereitungen sind jetzt abgeschlossen; ( fig)
    the new laws are now in \place die neuen Gesetze gelten jetzt; ( fig)
    suddenly all fell into \place plötzlich machte alles Sinn
    to be out of \place nicht an der richtigen Stelle sein; person fehl am Platz[e] sein; ( fig)
    the large desk was totally out of \place in such a small room der große Schreibtisch war in solch einem kleinen Zimmer völlig deplatziert
    what you've just said was completely out of \place was du da gerade gesagt hast, war völlig unangebracht
    to push sth in \place etw in die richtige Position schieben
    7. MATH (in decimals) Stelle f
    to five \places of decimals bis auf fünf Stellen hinter dem Komma
    8. (job, position) Stelle f; (in team) Platz m; (at university) Studienplatz m
    your \place is here by my side du gehörst an meine Seite
    to take the \place of sb jds Platz einnehmen
    9. (in book) Stelle f
    to find one's \place die [richtige] Stelle wiederfinden
    to keep one's \place markieren, wo man gerade ist/war
    to lose one's \place die Seite verblättern[, wo man gerade war]; (on page) nicht mehr wissen, wo man gerade ist
    10. (seat) Platz m
    is this \place taken? ist dieser Platz noch frei?
    to change \places with sb mit jdm die Plätze tauschen
    to keep sb's \place [or save sb a \place] jdm den Platz freihalten
    to lay a/another \place ein/noch ein Gedeck auflegen
    to take one's \place at table Platz nehmen
    11. (position) Stelle f
    just put yourself in my \place versetzen Sie sich doch mal in meine Lage!
    if I were in your \place... ich an deiner Stelle...
    what would you do in my \place? was würden Sie an meiner Stelle tun?
    12. (ranking) Platz m, Position f
    the song went from tenth to second \place in the charts das Lied stieg vom zehnten auf den zweiten Platz in den Charts
    our team finished in second \place unsere Mannschaft wurde Zweiter
    to take [or esp BRIT get] first/second \place Erste(r)/Zweite(r) werden
    to take first/second \place ( fig) an erster/zweiter Stelle kommen
    their children always take first \place ihre Kinder stehen für sie immer an erster Stelle
    in second \place auf dem zweiten Platz
    13. SPORT
    to get a \place sich akk platzieren; AM Zweite(r) werden
    14. AM ( fam: somewhere)
    I know I left that book some \place ich weiß, dass ich das Buch irgendwo gelassen habe
    all over the \place (everywhere) überall; (badly organized) [völlig] chaotisch; (spread around) in alle Himmelsrichtungen zerstreut
    a \place for everything and everything in its \place ( prov) jedes Ding hat seinen Platz
    in the first \place (at first) zuerst; (at all) überhaupt
    we shouldn't have got married in the first \place! wir hätten erst gar nicht heiraten dürfen!
    but why didn't you say that in the first \place? aber warum hast du denn das nicht gleich gesagt?
    in the first/second \place (firstly, secondly) erstens/zweitens
    to give \place to sb/sth jdm/etw Platz machen
    to go \places ( fam) auf dem Weg nach oben sein
    to take \place stattfinden
    there is a \place and time for everything alles zu seiner Zeit
    to \place sth somewhere etw irgendwohin stellen; (lay) etw irgendwohin legen
    bowls of flowers had been \placed on tables auf den Tischen waren Blumenvasen aufgestellt
    the Chancellor \placed a wreath on the tomb der Kanzler legte einen Kranz auf dem Grab nieder
    she \placed her name on the list sie setzte ihren Namen auf die Liste
    he \placed his hand on my shoulder er legte mir die Hand auf die Schulter
    to \place an advertisement in the newspaper eine Anzeige in die Zeitung setzen
    to \place sth on the agenda etw auf die Tagesordnung setzen
    to \place a bet on sth auf etw akk wetten
    to \place sb under sb's care jdn in jds Obhut geben
    to \place a comma ein Komma setzen
    to \place one foot in front of the other einen Fuß vor den anderen setzen
    to \place a gun at sb's head jdn eine Pistole an den Kopf setzen
    to \place money on sth Geld auf etw akk setzen
    to be \placed shop, town liegen
    2. (impose)
    to \place an embargo on sb/sth über jdn/etw ein Embargo verhängen
    to \place a limit [or ceiling] on sth etw begrenzen
    to \place ten pounds/half a million on sth etw mit zehn Pfund/einer halben Million veranschlagen
    3. (ascribe)
    to \place the blame on sb jdm die Schuld geben
    to \place one's faith [or trust] in sb/sth sein Vertrauen in jdn/etw setzen
    to \place one's hopes on sb/sth seine Hoffnungen auf jdn/etw setzen
    to \place importance on sth auf etw akk Wert legen
    ... and she \placed the emphasis on the word ‘soon’... und die Betonung lag auf ‚schnell‘
    he \placed stress on every second syllable er betonte jede zweite Silbe
    4. (arrange for)
    to \place a call ein Telefongespräch anmelden
    to \place sth at sb's disposal jdm etw überlassen
    5. (appoint to a position)
    to \place sb/sth somewhere jdn/etw irgendwo unterbringen [o SCHWEIZ platzieren]
    to \place sb on [the] alert jdn in Alarmbereitschaft versetzen
    to \place sb under arrest jdn festnehmen
    to \place sb in charge [of sth] jdm die Leitung [von etw dat] übertragen
    to \place sb in jeopardy jdn in Gefahr bringen
    to \place sb under pressure jdn unter Druck setzen
    to \place a strain on sb/sth jdn/etw belasten
    to \place staff Personal unterbringen [o vermitteln]
    to \place sb under surveillance jdn unter Beobachtung stellen
    the town was \placed under the control of UN peacekeeping troops die Stadt wurde unter die Aufsicht der UN-Friedenstruppen gestellt
    to \place sb/sth face, person, voice, accent jdn/etw einordnen
    to \place sb/sth jdn/etw einordnen
    to be \placed SPORT sich akk platzieren; AM unter die ersten zwei kommen
    to be \placed first/second SPORT Erste(r)/Zweite(r) werden
    to \place sth above [or before] [or over] sth etw über etw akk stellen
    sb \places sth above all other things etw steht bei jdm an erster Stelle
    I'd \place him among the world's ten most brilliant scientists für mich ist er einer der zehn hervorragendsten Wissenschaftler der Welt
    they \placed the painting in the Renaissance sie ordneten das Bild der Renaissance zu
    8. ECON
    to \place sth goods etw absetzen
    to \place an order for sth etw bestellen
    to \place an order with a firm einer Firma einen Auftrag erteilen
    9. passive (good position)
    to be well \placed for sth für etw akk eine gute Ausgangsposition haben
    we're well \placed for the shops wir haben es nicht weit zum Einkaufen fam
    to be well \placed financially finanziell gut dastehen
    to be well \placed to watch sth von seinem Platz aus etw gut sehen können
    10. passive (have at disposal)
    to be well \placed for sth:
    how \placed are you for time/money? wie sieht es mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld aus?
    SPORT sich akk platzieren; AM also (finish second) Zweite(r) werden
    * * *
    1. NOUN
    1) general Platz m, Stelle f

    this is the place where he was born —

    bed is the best place for himim Bett ist er am besten aufgehoben

    we found a good place to watch the procession from — wir fanden einen Platz, von dem wir den Umzug gut sehen konnten

    in the right/wrong place — an der richtigen/falschen Stelle

    some/any place — irgendwo

    a poor man with no place to go — ein armer Mann, der nicht weiß, wohin

    this is no place for you/children —

    there is no place for the unsuccessful in our society your place is by his side — für Erfolglose ist in unserer Gesellschaft kein Platz dein Platz ist an seiner Seite

    this isn't the place to discuss politicsdies ist nicht der Ort, um über Politik zu sprechen

    I can't be in two places at once! —

    she likes to have a place for everything and everything in its place — sie hält sehr auf Ordnung und achtet darauf, dass alles an seinem Platz liegt

    2) = geographical location = district Gegend f; (= country) Land nt; (= building) Gebäude nt; (= town) Ort m

    there's nothing to do in the evenings in this place —

    3) = home Haus nt, Wohnung f

    come round to my place some time — besuch mich mal, komm doch mal vorbei

    4) in book etc Stelle f

    to keep one's placesich (dat) die richtige Stelle markieren

    to lose one's place — die Seite verblättern; (on page) die Zeile verlieren

    5) = seat, position at table, in team, school, hospital Platz m; (at university) Studienplatz m; (= job) Stelle f

    to take one's place (at table) —

    take your places for a square dance! — Aufstellung zur Quadrille, bitte!

    if I were in your place — an Ihrer Stelle, wenn ich an Ihrer Stelle wäre

    to take the place of sb/sth — jdn/etw ersetzen, jds Platz or den Platz von jdm/etw einnehmen

    6) in hierarchy Rang m, Stellung f

    to know one's place — wissen, was sich (für einen) gehört

    of course I'm not criticizing you, I know my place! (hum)ich kritisiere dich selbstverständlich nicht, das steht mir gar nicht zu

    it's not my place to comment/tell him what to do — es steht mir nicht zu, einen Kommentar abzugeben/ihm zu sagen, was er tun soll

    that put him in his place! — das hat ihn erst mal zum Schweigen gebracht, da hab ichs/hat ers etc ihm gezeigt (inf)

    7) in exam, competition Platz m, Stelle f

    Lunt won, with Moore in second place — Lunt hat gewonnen, an zweiter Stelle or auf dem zweiten Platz lag Moore

    to win first place — Erste(r, s) sein

    to take second place to stheiner Sache (dat) gegenüber zweitrangig sein

    to get a place —

    to back a horse for a place — auf Platz wetten, eine Platzwette abschließen

    9) in street names Platz m
    10) MATH Stelle f

    set structures __diams; place of + noun place of amusement — Vergnügungsstätte f

    place of business or workArbeitsstelle f __diams; in places stellenweise

    make sure the wire/screw is properly in place — achten Sie darauf, dass der Draht/die Schraube richtig sitzt

    to look out of place —

    McCormack played in goal in place of MillerMcCormack stand anstelle von Miller im Tor __diams; to fall into place Gestalt annehmen

    in the first place..., in the second place... — erstens..., zweitens...

    he's going places (fig inf)er bringts zu was (inf) __diams; to give place to sth einer Sache (dat) Platz machen

    1) = put setzen, stellen; (= lay down) legen; person at table etc setzen; guards aufstellen; shot (with gun) anbringen; (FTBL, TENNIS) platzieren; troops in Stellung bringen; announcement (in paper) inserieren (in in +dat); advertisement setzen (in in +acc)

    she slowly placed one foot in front of the other —

    he placed the cue ball right behind the black he placed a gun to my head — er setzte die Spielkugel direkt hinter die schwarze Kugel er setzte mir eine Pistole an den Kopf

    she placed a finger on her lips —

    to place confidence/trust in sb/sth — Vertrauen in jdn/etw setzen

    how are you placed for time/money? — wie sieht es mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld aus?

    we are well placed for the shops — was Einkaufsmöglichkeiten angeht, wohnen wir günstig

    they were well placed to observe the whole battle — sie hatten einen günstigen Platz, von dem sie die ganze Schlacht verfolgen konnten

    we are well placed now to finish the job by next year —

    2) = rank stellen

    to place local interests above or before or over those of central government — kommunale Interessen über die der Zentralregierung stellen

    3) = identify context of einordnen

    in which school would you place this painting? —

    I don't know, it's very difficult to place I can't quite place him/his accent — ich weiß es nicht, es ist sehr schwer einzuordnen ich kann ihn/seinen Akzent nicht einordnen

    historians place the book in the 5th century AD — Historiker datieren das Buch auf das 5. Jahrhundert

    4) COMM goods absetzen; order erteilen (with sb jdm); contract abschließen (with sb mit jdm)

    who did you place the computer typesetting job with? —

    this is the last time we place any work with you — das ist das letzte Mal, dass wir Ihnen einen Auftrag erteilt haben

    5) money (= deposit) deponieren; (= invest) investieren
    6) phone call anmelden
    7) = find job for unterbringen (with bei)

    the agency is trying to place him with a building firm — die Agentur versucht, ihn bei einer Baufirma unterzubringen

    * * *
    place [pleıs]
    A s
    1. Ort m, Stelle f, Platz m:
    from place to place von Ort zu Ort;
    in places stellenweise;
    the goalkeeper was exactly in the right place SPORT der Torhüter stand goldrichtig;
    all over the place umg überall;
    his hair was all over the place umg er war ganz zerzaust;
    come to the wrong place an die falsche Adresse geraten;
    keep sb’s place jemandem seinen Platz frei halten ( in a queue in einer Schlange);
    lay a place for sb für jemanden decken;
    take place stattfinden;
    win a place in the semifinals SPORT ins Halbfinale einziehen, sich fürs Halbfinale qualifizieren; safe A 1
    2. (mit adj) Stelle f:
    3. (eingenommene) Stelle:
    take sb’s place
    a) jemandes Stelle einnehmen,
    b) jemanden vertreten;
    take the place of ersetzen, an die Stelle treten von (od gen);
    in place of anstelle von (od gen);
    if I were in your place I would … ich an Ihrer Stelle würde …; wenn ich Sie wäre, würde ich …;
    put yourself in my place versetzen Sie sich (doch einmal) in meine Lage!
    4. Platz m (Raum):
    give place (to) Platz machen (für oder dat) (a. fig), nachgeben (dat)
    5. (richtiger oder ordnungsgemäßer) Platz (auch fig): in his library every book has its place hat jedes Buch seinen Platz;
    find one’s place sich zurechtfinden;
    know one’s place wissen, wohin man gehört;
    in (out of) place (nicht) am (richtigen) Platz;
    this remark was out of place diese Bemerkung war deplatziert oder unangebracht;
    feel out of place sich fehl am Platz fühlen;
    a) das oder hier ist nicht der (geeignete) Ort für,
    b) das ist nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt für;
    such people have no place in our club für solche Leute ist kein Platz in unserem Verein;
    put sth back in its place etwas (an seinen Platz) zurücklegen oder -stellen;
    put sb back in their place jemanden in die oder seine Schranken verweisen; click1 B 4, fall into 1, slot1 C
    6. Ort m, Stätte f:
    one of the best places to eat eines der besten Restaurants oder Speiselokale;
    place of amusement Vergnügungsstätte;
    place of birth Geburtsort;
    place of interest Sehenswürdigkeit f;
    place of work Arbeitsplatz m, -stelle f;
    a) Kultstätte,
    b) Gotteshaus n;
    a) ausgehen,
    b) (umher)reisen,
    c) fig es zu etwas bringen; assembly 1
    7. WIRTSCH Ort m, Platz m, Sitz m:
    place of business Geschäftssitz;
    place of delivery Erfüllungsort;
    place of jurisdiction Gerichtsstand m;
    place of payment Zahlungsort;
    8. Haus n, Wohnung f:
    at his place bei ihm (zu Hause);
    he came over to my place yesterday er kam gestern zu mir;
    your place or mine? umg bei dir od bei mir?
    9. Ort(schaft) m(f):
    Munich is a nice place to live in München lebt man angenehm oder lässt es sich angenehm leben; exile A 1
    10. Gegend f:
    11. THEAT Ort m (der Handlung)
    12. umg Lokal n:
    go to a Greek place zum Griechen gehen
    13. SCHIFF Platz m, Hafen m:
    place of tran(s)shipment Umschlagplatz;
    place of call Anlaufhafen
    14. Raum m (Ggs Zeit)
    15. Stelle f (in einem Buch etc):
    lose one’s place die Seite verblättern oder verschlagen;
    I’ve lost my place auch ich weiß nicht mehr, wo (an welcher Stelle) ich war;
    the audience laughed in the right places an den richtigen Stellen
    16. MATH (Dezimal) Stelle f:
    of many places vielstellig;
    place value Stellenwert m
    17. Platz m, Stelle f (in einer Reihenfolge):
    a) an erster Stelle, erstens, zuerst, als Erst(er, e, es),
    b) in erster Linie,
    c) überhaupt (erst),
    d) ursprünglich;
    why did you do it in the first place? warum haben Sie es überhaupt getan?;
    you should not have done it in the first place Sie hätten es von vornherein bleiben lassen sollen;
    why didn’t you admit it in the first place? warum hast du es nicht gleich zugegeben?;
    in the last place an letzter Stelle, zuletzt, als letzt(er, e, es); schließlich; second1 A 1
    18. SPORT etc Platz m:
    in third place auf dem dritten Platz;
    take third place den dritten Platz belegen; second1 A 1
    19. (Sitz)Platz m, Sitz m:
    take your places nehmen Sie Ihre Plätze ein!
    20. a) (An)Stellung f, (Arbeits)Stelle f, Posten m:
    out of place stellenlos
    b) UNIV Studienplatz m
    21. Amt n:
    a) Dienst m:
    in place im Amt (Minister etc), im Staatsdienst
    b) fig Aufgabe f, Pflicht f:
    it is not my place to do this es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, dies zu tun
    22. (soziale) Stellung, Stand m, Rang m:
    in high places an hoher Stelle;
    persons in high places hochstehende Persönlichkeiten
    23. fig Grund m:
    there’s no place for doubt es besteht kein Grund zu zweifeln
    B v/t
    1. stellen, setzen, legen (alle auch fig):
    place together Tische etc zusammenstellen;
    place a call ein (Telefon)Gespräch anmelden;
    place a coffin einen Sarg aufbahren;
    place in order zurechtstellen, ordnen;
    place sb in a difficult place jemanden in eine schwierige Lage bringen;
    he places hono(u)r above wealth ihm ist Ehre wichtiger als Reichtum;
    place on record aufzeichnen, (schriftlich) festhalten;
    the referee was well placed SPORT der Schiedsrichter stand günstig
    2. Posten etc aufstellen:
    place o.s. sich aufstellen oder postieren
    3. I can’t place him ich weiß nicht, wo ich ihn unterbringen oder wohin ich ihn tun soll (woher ich ihn kenne)
    4. einen Wohnungssuchenden etc unterbringen ( with bei), einen Arbeitssuchenden auch vermitteln
    5. jemanden ein-, anstellen
    6. jemanden ernennen oder in ein Amt einsetzen
    7. (der Lage nach) näher bestimmen
    8. WIRTSCH
    a) eine Anleihe, Kapital unterbringen
    b) (with) Aufträge erteilen (dat), vergeben (an akk), eine Bestellung aufgeben (bei)
    c) einen Vertrag, eine Versicherung abschließen:
    place an issue eine Emission unterbringen oder platzieren
    9. Ware absetzen
    10. a) be placed SPORT sich platzieren, platziert sein, unter den ersten drei sein:
    be placed 6th sich an 6. Stelle platzieren
    b) how are you placed for money? bes Br wie sieht es bei dir finanziell aus?
    11. SPORT
    a) den Ball platzieren
    b) Rugby: ein Tor mit einem Platztritt schießen
    12. ELEK schalten:
    place in parallel parallel schalten
    C v/i SPORT US
    a) B 10 a
    b) den zweiten Platz belegen
    pl. abk
    1. place Pl.
    3. plural Pl.
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) Ort, der; (spot) Stelle, die; Platz, der

    all over the place — überall; (coll.): (in a mess) ganz durcheinander (ugs.)

    in places — hier und da; (in parts) stellenweise

    find a place in something (be included) in etwas (Akk.) eingehen; see also take 1. 4)

    2) (fig.): (rank, position) Stellung, die

    know one's place — wissen, was sich für einen gehört

    it's not my place to do that — es kommt mir nicht zu, das zu tun

    a [good] place to park/to stop — ein [guter] Platz zum Parken/eine [gute] Stelle zum Halten

    do you know a good/cheap place to eat? — weißt du, wo man gut/billig essen kann?

    place of residence — Wohnort, der

    place of work — Arbeitsplatz, der; Arbeitsstätte, die

    place of worship — Andachtsort, der

    4) (country, town) Ort, der

    Paris/Italy is a great place — Paris ist eine tolle Stadt/Italien ist ein tolles Land (ugs.)

    place of birth — Geburtsort, der

    go places(coll.) herumkommen (ugs.); (fig.) es [im Leben] zu was bringen (ugs.)

    5) (coll.): (premises) Bude, die (ugs.); (hotel, restaurant, etc.) Laden, der (ugs.)

    she is at his/John's place — sie ist bei ihm/John

    [shall we go to] your place or mine? — [gehen wir] zu dir oder zu mir?

    6) (seat etc.) [Sitz]platz, der

    change places [with somebody] — [mit jemandem] die Plätze tauschen; (fig.) [mit jemandem] tauschen

    lay a/another place — ein/noch ein Gedeck auflegen

    7) (in book etc.) Stelle, die

    lose one's placedie Seite verschlagen od. verblättern; (on page) nicht mehr wissen, an welcher Stelle man ist

    8) (step, stage)

    in the first/second/third etc. place — erstens/zweitens/drittens usw.

    9) (proper place) Platz, der

    everything fell into place(fig.) alles wurde klar

    into placefest[nageln, -schrauben, -kleben]

    out of place — nicht am richtigen Platz; (several things) in Unordnung; (fig.) fehl am Platz

    take first/second etc. place — den ersten/zweiten usw. Platz belegen

    11) (job, position, etc.) Stelle, die; (as pupil; in team, crew) Platz, der
    2. transitive verb

    place in position — richtig hinstellen/hinlegen

    place an announcement/advertisement in a paper — eine Anzeige/ein Inserat in eine Zeitung setzen

    2) (fig.)

    place one's trust in somebody/something — sein Vertrauen auf od. in jemanden/etwas setzen

    3) in p.p. (situated) gelegen

    we are well placed for buses/shops — etc. wir haben es nicht weit zur Bushaltestelle/zum Einkaufen usw.

    how are you placed for time/money? — (coll.) wie steht's mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld?

    4) (find situation or home for) unterbringen ( with bei)
    5) (class, identify) einordnen; einstufen

    I've seen him before but I can't place him — ich habe ihn schon einmal gesehen, aber ich weiß nicht, wo ich ihn unterbringen soll

    * * *
    Ort -e m.
    Ortschaft f.
    Platzierung f.
    Plazierung (alt.Rechtschreibung) f.
    Plazierung f.
    Stelle -n f.
    Stätte -n f. v.
    platzieren v.
    plazieren (alt.Rechtschreibung) v.

    English-german dictionary > place

  • 13 off

    (to register or record time of arriving at or leaving work.) fichar
    off1 adj pasado / malo
    off2 adv
    2. apagado / desconectado / cerrado
    who switched the light off? ¿quién apagó la luz?
    3. suspendido / cancelado
    4. libre
    to be off ir / irse
    off3 prep de
    3 (distance, situation) diferentes traducciones
    she comes off duty at 10.00pm acaba el turno a las 10.00
    why don't you take the day off work? ¿por qué no te tomas el día libre?
    be off with you! ¡lárgate!
    3 (in theatre) en off
    4 (removed) fuera
    hands off! ¡fuera las manos!
    70% off! ¡70% menos!
    6 (disconnected, not working) diferentes traducciones
    have you turned the TV off? ¿has apagado la TV?
    7 (free, on holiday) libre
    can I have the afternoon off? ¿puedo tomarme la tarde libre?
    1 (event) cancelado,-a, suspendido,-a
    2 (not turned on - gas, water) cerrado,-a; (- electricity) apagado,-a
    3 (impolite, unfriendly) descortés, poco amable; (below standard) malo,-a
    4 (food - bad) malo,-a, pasado,-a; (- unavailable) acabado,-a
    5 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (part of vehicle) del lado del conductor
    1 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (start - gen) principio, comienzo; (- of race) salida
    off and on / on and off de vez en cuando, a ratos
    off line SMALLCOMPUTING/SMALL desconectado,-a
    off the top of one's head improvisando, sin pensarlo
    on the off chance por si acaso, si por casualidad
    right off / straight off acto seguido
    to be off for something andar de algo, tener algo
    how are you off for money? ¿cómo andas de dinero?
    to be well/badly off andar bien/mal de dinero
    off season temporada baja
    off ['ɔf] adv
    to march off: marcharse
    he dozed off: se puso a dormir
    some miles off: a varias millas
    the holiday is three weeks off: faltan tres semanas para la fiesta
    the knob came off: se le cayó el pomo
    shut the television off: apaga la televisión
    to take a day off: tomarse un día de descanso
    off and on : de vez en cuando
    off adj
    1) farther: más remoto, distante
    the off side of the building: el lado distante del edificio
    2) started: empezado
    to be off on a spree: irse de juerga
    3) out: apagado
    the light is off: la luz está apagada
    4) canceled: cancelado, suspendido
    5) incorrect: erróneo, incorrecto
    6) remote: remoto, lejano
    an off chance: una posibilidad remota
    7) free: libre
    I'm off today: hoy estoy libre
    to be well off : vivir con desahogo, tener bastante dinero
    off prep
    she took it off the table: lo tomó de la mesa
    a shop off the main street: una tienda al lado de la calle principal
    2) : a la costa de, a expensas de
    he lives off his sister: vive a expensas de su hermana
    to be off duty: estar libre
    he's off liquor: ha dejado el alcohol
    4) below: por debajo de
    he's off his game: está por debajo de su juego normal
    de rebaja adj.
    apagado (Electricidad) adj.
    desconectado (Electricidad) adj.
    libre adj.
    separado, -a adj.
    fuera adv.
    lejos adv.
    fuera de prep.
    lejos de prep.

    I ɔːf, ɒf

    she picked it up off o (crit) off of the floor — lo recogió del suelo

    b) (indicating removal, absence)
    c) ( from) (colloq)

    I caught the cold off her — (BrE) ella me pegó el resfriado (fam)


    a street off the squareuna calle que sale de or desemboca en la plaza

    b) (indicating repugnance, abstinence) (BrE)

    is he off drugs now? — ¿ha dejado las drogas?

    a) ( removed)

    once the old wallpaper is off... — en cuanto se quite el papel viejo...

    off! — (BrE Sport) fuera!

    hands off!no (me or lo etc) toques!

    20% off — 20% de descuento


    off and onon II 3) c)

    oh, no, he's off again — ya empieza or ya está otra vez!

    3) ( distant)


    the TV/light is off — la televisión/luz está apagada

    b) ( canceled)

    the game/wedding is off — el partido/la boda se ha suspendido

    2) (absent, not on duty) libre

    a day off o (AmE also) an off day — un día libre

    I'm off at fivesalgo de trabajar or acabo a las cinco

    a) (poor, unsatisfactory) (before n) malo

    to have an off day — tener* un mal día

    b) ( unwell) (pred)

    to feel off — sentirse* mal

    c) (rude, unfair) (BrE colloq) (pred)
    4) ( Culin) (pred)

    to be off\<\<meat/fish\>\> estar* malo or pasado; \<\<milk\>\> estar* cortado; \<\<butter/cheese\>\> estar* rancio; see also go off I 2)

    they are comfortably off — están bien económicamente, están bien de dinero

    how are you off for cash? — (BrE) ¿qué tal andas de dinero?; see also well-off, better-off, badly off

    6) offside II 2)
    [ɒf] When off is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg get off, keep off, take off, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg LE> offoff duty/work, far off, look up the other word.
    1. ADVERB
    1) (=distant)

    noises off (gen) ruidos mpl de fondo; (Theat) efectos mpl sonoros

    a voice off — una voz de fondo; (Cine) una voz en off

    3) (=removed)

    with his shoes off — descalzo, sin zapatos

    hats off! — ¡descúbranse!

    hands off! — ¡fuera las manos!, ¡sin tocar!

    off with those wet socks! — ¡quítate esos calcetines mojados!

    off with his head! — ¡que le corten la cabeza!

    4) (=departing)

    to be off — irse, marcharse

    it's time I was off — es hora de irme, es hora de marcharme

    I must be off — tengo que irme, tengo que marcharme

    I'm off — me voy, me marcho

    I'm off to Paris — me voy a París, me marcho a París, salgo para París

    where are you off to? — ¿a dónde te vas?

    be off! — ¡fuera de aquí!, ¡lárgate!

    they're off! (race) ¡ya salen!

    off with you!(=go away) ¡fuera de aquí!, ¡lárgate!; (affectionately) ¡vete ya!

    off we go! — ¡vamos!

    5) (=not at work)

    to be off(=away) estar fuera, no estar

    Ana is off sick today(=indisposed) Ana no ha venido a trabajar hoy porque está enferma; (=with doctor's note) Ana está de baja hoy

    are you off this weekend? — ¿vas a estar fuera este fin de semana?

    to have or take a day off — tomarse un día de descanso

    6) (Elec, Mech etc)

    to be off[apparatus, radio, TV, light] estar apagado; [tap] estar cerrado; [water etc] estar cortado; [brake] no estar puesto, estar quitado; [machinery] estar parado

    7) (Comm)

    10% off — descuento del 10 por ciento

    I'll give you 5% off — te hago el 5 por ciento de descuento, te hago un descuento del 5 por ciento

    off and on — de vez en cuando, a ratos

    right off, straight off — inmediatamente, enseguida

    1) (Brit) (=bad)

    to be off[fish, yoghurt, meat] estar malo or pasado; [milk] estar cortado

    2) (=cancelled)

    sorry, but the party's off — lo siento, pero no hay fiesta

    salmon is off (on menu) ya no hay salmón, se acabó el salmón

    3) * (=not right)

    the timing is a bit off — resulta un poco inoportuno

    it's a bit off, isn't it? — (fig) eso no está muy bien ¿no?

    it was a bit off, him leaving like that — no estuvo muy bien de su parte marcharse así

    I thought his behaviour was rather off — me pareció que su forma de comportarse fue una salida de tono or estuvo fuera de lugar

    4) (for money, supplies, time)

    how are you off for money? — ¿qué tal andas de dinero?

    how are you off for bread? — ¿qué tal andas de pan?

    how are we off for time? — ¿qué tal vamos de tiempo?

    badly, better I, 2., well-off
    5) (Sport) = offside 1.
    6) (Elec, Mech etc)
    1) (=from) de
    2) (=near)
    3) (=away from)

    height off the ground — altura del suelo, altura sobre el suelo

    he ran towards the car and was 5 yards off it when... — corrió hacia el coche y estaba a cinco metros de él cuando...

    to be off air — (Rad, TV) no estar en el aire

    to go off air(=finish for day) cerrar la emisión; (=cease being broadcast) dejar de emitirse

    4) (Naut)

    off Portland Bill — a la altura de Portland Bill, frente a Portland Bill

    5) (=missing from)
    6) (=absent from)

    he was off work for 3 weeks — estuvo sin poder ir a trabajar 3 semanas

    7) (Comm)

    to take 5% off the price — rebajar el precio en un 5 por ciento

    8) (=not taking)

    he's been off drugs for a year — hace un año que no prueba las drogas, dejó las drogas hace un año

    I'm off coffee(=not taking) he dejado de tomar café; (=disliking) tengo aborrecido el café, no puedo ver el café

    to be off one's foodno tener apetito

    NOUN * (=start) comienzo m ; (Sport) salida f

    ready for the off — listos para comenzar; (Sport) listos para salir

    INTRANSITIVE VERB (esp US) ** (=leave) largarse *
    TRANSITIVE VERB (US) ** (=kill) cargarse **, ventilarse **

    off day N

    off season Ntemporada f baja

    * * *

    I [ɔːf, ɒf]

    she picked it up off o (crit) off of the floor — lo recogió del suelo

    b) (indicating removal, absence)
    c) ( from) (colloq)

    I caught the cold off her — (BrE) ella me pegó el resfriado (fam)


    a street off the squareuna calle que sale de or desemboca en la plaza

    b) (indicating repugnance, abstinence) (BrE)

    is he off drugs now? — ¿ha dejado las drogas?

    a) ( removed)

    once the old wallpaper is off... — en cuanto se quite el papel viejo...

    off! — (BrE Sport) fuera!

    hands off!no (me or lo etc) toques!

    20% off — 20% de descuento


    off and onon II 3) c)

    oh, no, he's off again — ya empieza or ya está otra vez!

    3) ( distant)


    the TV/light is off — la televisión/luz está apagada

    b) ( canceled)

    the game/wedding is off — el partido/la boda se ha suspendido

    2) (absent, not on duty) libre

    a day off o (AmE also) an off day — un día libre

    I'm off at fivesalgo de trabajar or acabo a las cinco

    a) (poor, unsatisfactory) (before n) malo

    to have an off day — tener* un mal día

    b) ( unwell) (pred)

    to feel off — sentirse* mal

    c) (rude, unfair) (BrE colloq) (pred)
    4) ( Culin) (pred)

    to be off\<\<meat/fish\>\> estar* malo or pasado; \<\<milk\>\> estar* cortado; \<\<butter/cheese\>\> estar* rancio; see also go off I 2)

    they are comfortably off — están bien económicamente, están bien de dinero

    how are you off for cash? — (BrE) ¿qué tal andas de dinero?; see also well-off, better-off, badly off

    6) offside II 2)

    English-spanish dictionary > off

  • 14 in line

    1) ( with) соответствующий; действующий в согласии, в унисон с...; см. тж. out of line

    That wouldn't be at all in line with your plans. (E. Caldwell, ‘This Very Earth’, ch. XV) — Это же совершенно не соответствует твоим планам.

    2) в порядке, владеющий собой (обыкн. употр. с гл. to keep)

    He could never seem to keep his temper in line. (RHD) — Он никогда не умел владеть собой.

    3) ( for) амер. имеющий шансы на что-л

    The General considered his own personal situation. The decision to place him in command of the forces thrown into Tunisia had been made hastily; he knew that he had not been in line for such a post. (S. Heym, ‘Of Smiting Peace’, ch. 2) — Генерал задумался над собственным положением. Решение поставить его во главе войск, брошенных в Тунис, было принято в спешке. Он знал, что его не намечали на этот пост.

    George was... next in line for a chargeman's job at Marine Engines. (S. Chaplin, ‘The Watchers and the Watched’, ch. 1) — Джорджа прочили уже в сменные мастера - он работал на заводе, где собирали двигатели для морских судов.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in line

  • 15 личная жизненная ситуация

    Russian-english psychology dictionary > личная жизненная ситуация

  • 16 compromiso

    1 commitment.
    2 engagement (cita).
    3 compromising or difficult situation.
    poner a alguien en un compromiso to put somebody in a difficult o awkward position
    4 compromise, in-between, give-and-take, happy medium.
    5 date, appointment, meeting, engagement.
    * * *
    1 (obligación) commitment, obligation
    2 (acuerdo) agreement
    3 (cita) appointment; (amorosa) date
    4 (dificultad) difficult situation, bind
    5 (matrimonial) engagement
    libre de compromiso without obligation
    poner a alguien en un compromiso to put somebody in a tight spot, put somebody in a difficult situation
    por compromiso out of a sense of duty
    soltero,-a y sin compromiso free and single, footloose and fancy-free
    compromiso verbal verbal agreement
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=obligación)
    a) [por acuerdo, ideología] commitment

    sin compromiso — without obligation

    b) [por convenciones sociales]

    aunque no tenemos compromiso con ellos, los vamos a invitar — we're going to invite them even though we're under no obligation to

    si le regalas ahora algo, la pondrás en el compromiso de invitarte a cenar — if you give her a present now, you'll make her feel obliged to take you out to dinner

    por compromiso — out of a sense of duty

    fui a la boda por compromiso — I felt obliged to go to the wedding, I went to the wedding out of a sense of duty

    verse en el compromiso — to feel obliged

    2) (=aprieto)

    poner a algn en un compromiso — to put sb in an awkward position

    3) (=acuerdo) agreement; [con concesiones mutuas] compromise

    una fórmula de compromiso — a compromise, a compromise formula

    4) (=cita)
    a) [con otras personas] engagement

    ahora, si me disculpan, tengo que atender otros compromisos — now, if you will excuse me, I have other engagements

    mañana no puede ser, tengo un compromiso — tomorrow is impossible, I'm otherwise engaged

    ¿tienes algún compromiso para esta noche? — do you have anything arranged for tonight?

    b) (Dep) match
    5) [de matrimonio] engagement

    compromiso matrimonial — engagement, engagement to marry

    6) (Med)
    * * *

    el compromiso que ha adquirido con el electoradothe commitment o pledge he has made to the electorate

    no voy a ir, yo con ellos no tengo ningún compromiso — I'm not going to go, I'm under no obligation to them

    no le regales nada, lo pones en un compromiso — don't buy him anything or you'll make him feel he has to buy you something

    b) (de artista, escritor) political commitment
    2) ( cita) engagement
    3) ( de matrimonio) engagement, betrothal (frml)
    4) ( acuerdo) agreement; ( con concesiones recíprocas) compromise

    llegaron a un compromisothey came to o reached an agreement/a compromise

    5) ( apuro) awkward situation
    * * *
    = commitment, engagement, stake in the ground.
    Ex. Bureaux can be useful for proving trials, and the deferment of commitments until a suitable size of data base has been accumulated in the computer system.
    Ex. Any attempt to coerce a response without good reason based on that child's present predicament is to place in jeopardy the child's willing engagement now and in the future.
    Ex. The first version of any software is usually best seen as a stake in the ground.
    * alcanzar un compromiso = reach + agreement.
    * compromiso con = commitment to.
    * compromiso entre novios = engagement.
    * compromiso matrimonial, el = marriage bond, the.
    * compromiso oficial = public engagement.
    * compromiso personal = personal engagement, personal investment.
    * compromiso por escrito = written commitment, promissory.
    * compromiso social = social engagement.
    * compromiso verbal = verbal commitment.
    * con compromisos = strings attached.
    * cumplir (con) un compromiso = live up to + commitment.
    * libre y sin compromiso = footloose and fancy-free.
    * llegar a un compromiso = reach + agreement, meet + Nombre + halfway.
    * poner a Alguien en el compromiso de = leave + Nombre + with the choice of.
    * poner a Alguien en un compromiso = put + Alguien + on the spot.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * * *

    el compromiso que ha adquirido con el electoradothe commitment o pledge he has made to the electorate

    no voy a ir, yo con ellos no tengo ningún compromiso — I'm not going to go, I'm under no obligation to them

    no le regales nada, lo pones en un compromiso — don't buy him anything or you'll make him feel he has to buy you something

    b) (de artista, escritor) political commitment
    2) ( cita) engagement
    3) ( de matrimonio) engagement, betrothal (frml)
    4) ( acuerdo) agreement; ( con concesiones recíprocas) compromise

    llegaron a un compromisothey came to o reached an agreement/a compromise

    5) ( apuro) awkward situation
    * * *
    = commitment, engagement, stake in the ground.

    Ex: Bureaux can be useful for proving trials, and the deferment of commitments until a suitable size of data base has been accumulated in the computer system.

    Ex: Any attempt to coerce a response without good reason based on that child's present predicament is to place in jeopardy the child's willing engagement now and in the future.
    Ex: The first version of any software is usually best seen as a stake in the ground.
    * alcanzar un compromiso = reach + agreement.
    * compromiso con = commitment to.
    * compromiso entre novios = engagement.
    * compromiso matrimonial, el = marriage bond, the.
    * compromiso oficial = public engagement.
    * compromiso personal = personal engagement, personal investment.
    * compromiso por escrito = written commitment, promissory.
    * compromiso social = social engagement.
    * compromiso verbal = verbal commitment.
    * con compromisos = strings attached.
    * cumplir (con) un compromiso = live up to + commitment.
    * libre y sin compromiso = footloose and fancy-free.
    * llegar a un compromiso = reach + agreement, meet + Nombre + halfway.
    * poner a Alguien en el compromiso de = leave + Nombre + with the choice of.
    * poner a Alguien en un compromiso = put + Alguien + on the spot.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.

    * * *
    (obligación): no respetó el compromiso adquirido con el electorado he reneged on the commitment o pledge he had made to the electorate
    ha contraído el compromiso de educarlos en la fe católica she has undertaken o pledged to bring them up in the Catholic faith
    solicite, sin compromiso alguno, nuestro folleto informativo ask/send for our brochure without obligation
    los invitó por compromiso she felt obliged to invite them, she invited them out of a sense of duty
    no les voy a regalar nada, yo con ellos no tengo ningún compromiso I'm not going to give them anything, I'm under no obligation to them
    no le regales nada, lo pones en un compromiso don't buy him anything or you'll make him feel he has to buy you something
    soltero y sin compromiso free and single;
    ( hum) footloose and fancy-free ( hum)
    2 (de un artista, escritor) political commitment
    B (cita) engagement
    no pudo ir porque tenía otro compromiso he couldn't go because he had arranged to do something else, he was unable to attend as he had a prior engagement ( frml)
    tiene muchos compromisos sociales she has a lot of social engagements o commitments
    C (de matrimonio) engagement, betrothal ( frml)
    romper el compromiso to break off the engagement
    han anunciado su compromiso matrimonial ( frml); they have announced their engagement
    llegaron a un compromiso they came to o reached an agreement/a compromise
    una solución de compromiso a compromise (solution)
    E (apuro) awkward situation
    me pones en un compromiso you're putting me in an awkward position
    F ( Med):
    un golpe en la cabeza con compromiso cerebral a blow to the head affecting the brain
    * * *


    compromiso sustantivo masculino
    a) (moral, financiero) commitment;

    sin compromiso alguno without obligation;
    los invitó por compromiso she felt obliged to invite them;
    yo con ellos no tengo ningún compromiso I'm under no obligation to them

    compromisos sociales social engagements o commitments

    ( con concesiones recíprocas) compromise;
    llegaron a un compromiso they came to o reached an agreement/a compromise

    compromiso sustantivo masculino
    1 (obligación) obligation, commitment: pida presupuesto sin compromiso, ask for an estimate without obligation
    tengo que hacer una visita de compromiso, I must pay a duty call
    hacer algo por compromiso, to do sthg because one feels that one has to
    2 (cita) engagement: tengo un compromiso previo, I have a previous engagement
    3 (situación apurada) difficult o embarrassing situation: me pones en un compromiso, you're making it difficult for me
    4 (acuerdo) agreement
    5 frml compromiso (de boda), engagement: le regaló un anillo de compromiso, he gave her an engagement ring
    ' compromiso' also found in these entries:
    - obligación
    - palabra
    - vale
    - anillo
    - argolla
    - contraer
    - cumplir
    - deshacer
    - desligarse
    - deuda
    - eludir
    - novio
    - plan
    - romper
    - usar
    - zafar
    - back out
    - booking
    - commitment
    - date
    - dedication
    - default setting
    - discharge
    - engagement
    - engagement ring
    - fulfil
    - fulfill
    - half-way
    - honour
    - keep
    - obligation
    - otherwise
    - outpouring
    - pledge
    - previous
    - stand by
    - stick by
    - stick to
    - unattached
    - compromise
    - engaged
    - foot
    - on
    - prior
    * * *
    1. [obligación] commitment;
    me vi en el compromiso de tener que aceptar I found myself obliged to accept;
    adquirí el compromiso de ayudarlos I undertook to help them;
    cumplir un compromiso to fulfil o honour a commitment;
    no cumplieron el compromiso de entregar las armas they did not honour their commitment to hand over their weapons;
    sin compromiso without obligation;
    reciba información en su domicilio, sin ningún compromiso let us send you our brochure without obligation
    2. [acuerdo] agreement;
    patronal y sindicatos alcanzaron un compromiso management and unions reached an agreement;
    presentaron una propuesta de compromiso they proposed a compromise
    3. [cita] engagement;
    esta noche tengo un compromiso y no podré salir contigo I'm busy this evening, so I won't be able to go out with you;
    si no tienes ningún compromiso, podríamos ir al cine if you're not doing anything else, we could go to the cinema
    4. [dificultad] compromising o difficult situation;
    poner a alguien en un compromiso to put sb in a difficult o awkward position
    5. [ideológico] commitment;
    ha dejado siempre claro su compromiso con la paz he has always made clear his commitment to peace
    6. [para casarse] engagement;
    han anunciado su compromiso they have announced their engagement;
    es una joven soltera y sin compromiso she's young, free and single
    compromiso matrimonial engagement
    7. [encuentro deportivo] fixture
    * * *
    1 commitment
    2 ( obligación) obligation;
    sin compromiso COM without commitment;
    soltero y sin compromiso fam footloose and fancy-free
    3 ( acuerdo) agreement
    4 ( apuro) awkward situation
    * * *
    1) : obligation, commitment
    2) : engagement
    anillo de compromiso: engagement ring
    3) : agreement
    4) : awkward situation, fix
    * * *
    1. (cita, promesa de matrimonio) engagement
    no puedo, tengo un compromiso I can't, I've got a previous engagement
    2. (apuro) difficult situation

    Spanish-English dictionary > compromiso

  • 17 defensa

    1 defense.
    en defensa de in defense of
    la defensa del medio ambiente the protection of the environment
    defensa personal self-defense
    2 defense (sport).
    3 defence, security, defense, guard.
    4 protection, succor, refuge.
    5 defendor, advocate.
    6 shield, guard, protector.
    7 defensive movement, ward.
    8 back, back-line player.
    f. & m.
    defender (sport).
    defensa central central defender, center back
    * * *
    1 defence (US defense)
    1 DEPORTE (jugador) back, defender; (conjunto de jugadores) defence (US defense), defenders plural
    en defensa propia in self-defence (US self-defense)
    en legítima defensa in self-defence (US self-defense)
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (=protección) defence, defense (EEUU)

    (Ministerio de) Defensa — Ministry of Defence, Defense Department (EEUU)

    2) (Jur) (=abogado, argumentación) defence, defense (EEUU)
    3) (Dep)

    la defensa(=jugadores) the defence, the defense (EEUU)

    4) pl defensas (Med) defences, defenses (EEUU)

    está bajo de defensas — his (body's) defences are low, his resistance is low

    5) pl defensas [de toro] horns; [de elefante, jabalí] tusks
    6) (Náut) fender
    7) Méx bumper, fender (EEUU)
    SMF (Dep) defender

    defensa escoba, defensa libre — sweeper

    * * *
    a) ( protección) defense*

    actuó en defensa propia or en legítima defensa — he acted in self-defense

    defensa de algo/alguien — defense* of something/somebody

    b) Defensa femenino the Defense Department (AmE), the Ministry of Defence (BrE)
    2) (Der) defense*

    los testigos de la defensa — the witnesses for the defense, the defense witnesses

    3) defensas femenino plural (Biol, Med) defenses* (pl)
    4) (Náut) fender
    5) (Dep)
    a) ( conjunto) defense*
    b) defensa masculino y femenino ( jugador) defender
    * * *
    = defence [defense, -USA], plea, advocacy, championship, crusade, championing, affirmation, apologia, bulwark.
    Ex. The only defense that Panizzi was able to muster in this case was to cite the authorities instead of the reasons he followed.
    Ex. Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
    Ex. However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.
    Ex. Such championship cannot be lightly set aside, nevertheless it is now quiet certain that 'bibliography', incorrect and unfortunate as it may be, is here to stay and the situation must be accepted.
    Ex. The Thatcher government's crusade for privatisation is also hitting British libraries.
    Ex. Many say the role of consumer advice centres as being simply mediators between the consumer and the retailer/manufacturer; only a few adventurous authorities encouraged the aggressive championing of consumer complaints.
    Ex. This article argues that the OTA report, despite its affirmation of public access to information, is unlikely to cause a redeployment of resources unless librarians argue vociferously that there is a real need for this information.
    Ex. The article ' apologia for alternatives' examines the situation where professional standards may have to give way to commercial interests.
    Ex. Thus our freedom has prompted many to think of libraries as 'a great instrument and bulwark of democracy'.
    * actitud de defensa = defensiveness.
    * actuar defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios = library advocacy.
    * actuar en defensa de la profesión = advocacy.
    * alegar defensa = muster + defense.
    * decir en defensa de = say in + defence of.
    * defensa bioquímica = biodefence [biodefense, -USA].
    * defensa con misiles = missile defence.
    * defensa costera = coastal defence.
    * defensa de intereses = lobbying.
    * defensa de la profesión = advocacy.
    * defensa del consumidor = consumer protection.
    * defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios = library advocacy.
    * defensa de tesis = dissertation defence, thesis defence.
    * defensa nacional = national defence.
    * defensa propia = self-defence [self-defense, -USA].
    * defensas marítimas = maritime defences.
    * defensas naturales = natural defences, natural defences.
    * defensa solapada = plug.
    * Departamento de Defensa = Department of Defense.
    * departamento de defensa del consumidor = consumer protection department.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * estrategia de defensa = defence strategy.
    * fuerzas de defensa, las = defence forces, the.
    * industria de defensa, la = defence industry, the [defense industry, -USA].
    * mecanismo de defensa = defence mechanism [defense mechanism, -USA].
    * Ministerio de Defensa = Ministry of Defence.
    * ministro de defensa = defence minister.
    * movimiento en defensa de los derechos de la mujer = women's rights movement.
    * movimiento en defensa de los derechos de los animales = animal rights movement.
    * preparar una defensa = mount + defence.
    * primera línea de defensa = first line of defence.
    * secretario de defensa = defence minister.
    * sistema de defensa = defence system.
    * Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia = Office of Fair Trade.
    * * *
    a) ( protección) defense*

    actuó en defensa propia or en legítima defensa — he acted in self-defense

    defensa de algo/alguien — defense* of something/somebody

    b) Defensa femenino the Defense Department (AmE), the Ministry of Defence (BrE)
    2) (Der) defense*

    los testigos de la defensa — the witnesses for the defense, the defense witnesses

    3) defensas femenino plural (Biol, Med) defenses* (pl)
    4) (Náut) fender
    5) (Dep)
    a) ( conjunto) defense*
    b) defensa masculino y femenino ( jugador) defender
    * * *
    = defence [defense, -USA], plea, advocacy, championship, crusade, championing, affirmation, apologia, bulwark.

    Ex: The only defense that Panizzi was able to muster in this case was to cite the authorities instead of the reasons he followed.

    Ex: Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
    Ex: However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.
    Ex: Such championship cannot be lightly set aside, nevertheless it is now quiet certain that 'bibliography', incorrect and unfortunate as it may be, is here to stay and the situation must be accepted.
    Ex: The Thatcher government's crusade for privatisation is also hitting British libraries.
    Ex: Many say the role of consumer advice centres as being simply mediators between the consumer and the retailer/manufacturer; only a few adventurous authorities encouraged the aggressive championing of consumer complaints.
    Ex: This article argues that the OTA report, despite its affirmation of public access to information, is unlikely to cause a redeployment of resources unless librarians argue vociferously that there is a real need for this information.
    Ex: The article ' apologia for alternatives' examines the situation where professional standards may have to give way to commercial interests.
    Ex: Thus our freedom has prompted many to think of libraries as 'a great instrument and bulwark of democracy'.
    * actitud de defensa = defensiveness.
    * actuar defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios = library advocacy.
    * actuar en defensa de la profesión = advocacy.
    * alegar defensa = muster + defense.
    * decir en defensa de = say in + defence of.
    * defensa bioquímica = biodefence [biodefense, -USA].
    * defensa con misiles = missile defence.
    * defensa costera = coastal defence.
    * defensa de intereses = lobbying.
    * defensa de la profesión = advocacy.
    * defensa del consumidor = consumer protection.
    * defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios = library advocacy.
    * defensa de tesis = dissertation defence, thesis defence.
    * defensa nacional = national defence.
    * defensa propia = self-defence [self-defense, -USA].
    * defensas marítimas = maritime defences.
    * defensas naturales = natural defences, natural defences.
    * defensa solapada = plug.
    * Departamento de Defensa = Department of Defense.
    * departamento de defensa del consumidor = consumer protection department.
    * el ataque es la mejor defensa = attack is the best form of defence.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * estrategia de defensa = defence strategy.
    * fuerzas de defensa, las = defence forces, the.
    * industria de defensa, la = defence industry, the [defense industry, -USA].
    * mecanismo de defensa = defence mechanism [defense mechanism, -USA].
    * Ministerio de Defensa = Ministry of Defence.
    * ministro de defensa = defence minister.
    * movimiento en defensa de los derechos de la mujer = women's rights movement.
    * movimiento en defensa de los derechos de los animales = animal rights movement.
    * preparar una defensa = mount + defence.
    * primera línea de defensa = first line of defence.
    * secretario de defensa = defence minister.
    * sistema de defensa = defence system.
    * Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia = Office of Fair Trade.

    * * *
    1 (protección) defense*
    nadie acudió en su defensa nobody went to his defense, nobody went to defend him
    salió en nuestra defensa he came to our defense
    actuó en defensa propia or en legítima defensa he acted in self-defense*
    defensa DE algo/algn defense* OF sth/sb
    se manifestaron en defensa de sus derechos they demonstrated in defense of their rights
    Defensa feminine the Defense Department ( AmE), the Ministry of Defence ( BrE)
    anti-aircraft defenses* (pl)
    sea defenses* (pl)
    river defenses* (pl)
    B ( Der) defense*
    los testigos de la defensa the witnesses for the defense, the defense witnesses
    C defensas fpl ( Biol, Med) defenses* (pl)
    las defensas biológicas del organismo the organism's biological defenses o biological defense mechanisms
    está bajo de defensas his resistance is low
    1 ( Náut) fender
    2 (Cu, Méx) ( Auto) bumper
    3 ( Chi) ( Const) barrier
    E ( Dep)
    1 (conjunto) defense*
    * * *


    defensa sustantivo femenino
    a) ( protección) defense( conjugate defense);

    actuó en defensa propia he acted in self-defense;
    defensa de algo/algn defense( conjugate defense) of sth/sb;
    defensa personal self-defense( conjugate defense)
    b) (Dep) defense( conjugate defense)


    Defensa sustantivo femenino

    the Defense Department (AmE), the Ministry of Defence (BrE)

    defensas sustantivo femenino plural (Biol, Med) defenses( conjugate defenses) (pl)


    defensa sustantivo masculino y femenino ( jugador) defender

    I sustantivo femenino
    1 defence, US defense: salió en defensa de su hija, he came out in defence of his daugther
    2 Auto bumper, US fender
    3 Dep (conjunto) defence
    4 Med defensas, defences: la enfermedad le ha dejado sin defensas, the disease affected his immune system
    II m Dep defender, back
    ' defensa' also found in these entries:
    - caído
    - Cesid
    - legítima
    - legítimo
    - llave
    - alegar
    - lateral
    - mecanismo
    - back
    - defence
    - defender
    - defense
    - fender
    - for
    - spirited
    - stout
    - behalf
    - defend
    - element
    - guard
    - mace
    - self
    * * *
    1. [protección] defence;
    la defensa del medio ambiente the protection of the environment;
    lleva siempre una pistola como defensa she always carries a gun to defend herself;
    en su defensa cabe decir que él ignoraba lo sucedido in his defence, it has to be said that he didn't know what had happened;
    acudir en defensa de algo/alguien to come to the defence of sth/to sb's defence;
    salir en defensa de algo/alguien to come out in defence of sth/sb
    defensa antiaérea anti-aircraft defences;
    la defensa nacional national defence;
    defensa pasiva passive resistance;
    defensa personal self-defence
    (Ministerio de) Defensa Br ≈ Ministry of Defence, US ≈ Defense Department
    3. [legal] defence;
    basó su defensa en la falta de pruebas he based his defence on the lack of evidence;
    en defensa propia, en legítima defensa in self-defence;
    la defensa [parte en un juicio] the defence;
    la defensa tiene la palabra [en juicio] it is the turn of the defence to speak
    defensas [sistema inmunitario] defences;
    tiene las defensas muy bajas his body's defences are very low
    5. [jugadores, parte del juego] defence
    defensa al hombre man-to-man defence;
    defensa hombre man-to-man defence;
    defensa en zona [en baloncesto] zone defence
    6. Méx [parachoques] Br bumper, US fender
    7. Aut
    defensa (delantera) [en todoterrenos] bull bars
    [jugador] defender;
    la línea de defensas the back line, the defence
    defensa central [en fútbol] central defender, centre back;
    defensa de cierre [en rugby] fullback;
    Fam defensa escoba [en fútbol] sweeper
    * * *
    I f
    1 JUR, DEP defense, Br
    legítima defensa self-defense, Br self-defence;
    salir en defensa de alguien come to s.o.’s defense
    2 L.Am.
    AUTO fender, Br
    defensas pl MED defenses, Br defences
    II m/f DEP defender
    * * *
    : defense
    defensa nmf
    : defender, back (in sports)
    * * *
    1. (en general) defence
    2. (jugador) defender

    Spanish-English dictionary > defensa


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    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
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    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 19 thing

    1) (inanimate object) Sache, die; Ding, das

    what's that thing in your hand?was hast du da in der Hand?

    not a thingüberhaupt od. gar nichts

    2) (action)

    that was a foolish thing to dodas war eine große Dummheit

    it was the right thing to does war das einzig Richtige

    do things to somebody/something — (fig. coll.) auf jemanden/etwas eine enorme Wirkung haben (ugs.)

    3) (fact) [Tat]sache, die

    it's a strange thing that... — es ist seltsam, dass...

    for one thing, you don't have enough money[, for another thing...] — zunächst einmal hast du nicht genügend Geld [, außerdem...]

    the best/worst thing about the situation/her — das Beste/Schlimmste an der Situation/an ihr

    know/learn a thing or two about something/somebody — sich mit etwas/jemandem auskennen/einiges über etwas (Akk.) lernen/über jemanden erfahren

    the [only] thing is that... — die Sache ist [nur] die, dass...

    4) (idea)

    say the first thing that comes into one's head — das sagen, was einem gerade so einfällt

    what a thing to say!wie kann man nur so etwas sagen!

    have a thing about somebody/something — (coll.) (be obsessed about) auf jemanden/etwas abfahren (salopp); (be prejudiced about) etwas gegen jemanden/etwas haben; (be afraid of or repulsed by) einen Horror vor jemandem/etwas haben (ugs.)

    5) (task)
    6) (affair) Sache, die; Angelegenheit, die

    make a [big] thing of something — (regard as essential) auf etwas besonderen Wert legen; (get excited about) sich über etwas (Akk.) aufregen

    how are things? — wie geht's [dir]?

    as things stand [with me] — so wie die Dinge [bei mir] liegen

    it's just one of those things(coll.) so was kommt schon mal vor (ugs.)

    8) (individual, creature) Ding, das

    she is in hospital, poor thing — sie ist im Krankenhaus, das arme Ding

    you spiteful thing! — du [gemeines] Biest!

    9) in pl. (personal belongings, outer clothing) Sachen
    10) in pl. (matters)

    an expert/authority on things historical — ein Fachmann/eine Autorität in geschichtlichen Fragen

    11) (product of work) Sache, die
    12) (special interest)

    do one's own thing(coll.) sich selbst verwirklichen

    13) (coll.): (something remarkable)

    the thing(what is proper or needed or important) das Richtige

    but the thing is, will she come in fact? — aber die Frage ist, wird sie auch tatsächlich kommen?

    * * *
    1. (unspecified object) Ding nt, Gegenstand m; ( fam) Dings[bums] nt fam
    I haven't got a \thing to wear ich habe nichts zum Anziehen [o SCHWEIZ a. Anlegen]
    she behaved like a mad \thing sie benahm sich wie eine Verrückte
    you cannot be all \things to all men man kann es nicht allen recht machen
    \things pl Besitz m kein pl, Habe f kein pl; (objects for special purpose) Sachen pl, Zeug nt kein pl
    she put all his \things in suitcases and put them outside the door sie packte alle seine Sachen in Koffer und stellte diese vor die Tür
    swimming \things Schwimmzeug nt kein pl, Schwimmsachen pl fam
    3. (unspecified idea, event) Sache f
    this \thing called love das, was man so Liebe nennt
    if there's one \thing I want to know it's this wenn es etwas gibt, das ich wissen will, dann ist es das
    it was just one \thing after another da kam eben eins zum anderen
    one \thing leads to another das Eine führt zum Andern
    don't worry about a \thing! mach dir keine Sorgen!
    learning to ride a bike was a difficult \thing for me to do ich habe lange gebraucht, bis ich Rad fahren konnte
    I value my freedom above all \things meine Freiheit steht für mich an erster Stelle
    if it's not one \thing, it's another ständig ist [et]was los
    to not be sb's \thing nicht jds Ding sein fam
    to be a \thing of the past der Vergangenheit angehören
    in all \things in jeder Hinsicht, in [o bei] allem
    the whole \thing das Ganze
    4. (unspecified activity) Sache f
    the last \thing I want to do is hurt his feelings ich möchte auf keinen Fall seine Gefühle verletzen
    that was a close \thing! das war knapp!
    walking in stormy weather along a beach just does \things to me bei stürmischem Wetter am Strand spazieren zu gehen macht mir unheimlich Spaß
    plenty of \things vieles
    to do sth first/last \thing etw als Erstes/Letztes tun
    I'll phone him first \thing tomorrow ich rufe ihn morgen gleich als Erstes an
    to call sb last \thing at night jdn spät nachts noch anrufen
    to do one's own \thing ( fam) seinen [eigenen] Weg gehen, sein Ding machen fam
    5. ( fam: what is needed) das [einzig] Wahre
    the real \thing das einzig Wahre
    the very [or just the] \thing genau das Richtige
    6. (matter) Thema nt, Sache f
    sure \thing! esp AM na klar!
    what a lovely \thing to say! wie nett, so etwas zu sagen!
    I have a \thing or two on my mind mir geht so einiges durch den Kopf
    and another \thing,... und noch [et]was,...
    why don't you come with me? — for one \thing, I don't like flying, and for another, I can't afford it warum kommst du nicht mit? — einerseits fliege ich nicht gerne und außerdem kann ich es mir nicht leisten
    to be able to tell sb a \thing or two jdm noch so einiges [o manches] erzählen können
    to know a \thing or two eine ganze Menge wissen, sich akk gut auskennen
    7. (social behaviour)
    the \thing das Richtige
    it's the done \thing ( also iron) das gehört sich so [o gehört zum guten Ton]
    smoking during meals is not the done \thing es gehört sich nicht, während des Essens zu rauchen
    the in [or latest] \thing [to do] der letzte Schrei
    8. (the important point)
    the \thing about doing sth is... das Wichtigste bei etw dat ist...
    9. (something non-existent)
    \things pl:
    to be hearing [or imagining] \things Gespenster sehen fig
    10. (the situation)
    \things pl die Dinge, die Lage
    \things ain't what they used to be ( fam) nichts ist mehr so wie es war
    how are \things [with you]? ( fam) wie geht's [dir]? fam
    what are \things like? wie sieht's aus? [o läuft's?] fam
    all \things considered alles in allem
    as \things stand, the way \things are so wie die Dinge stehen
    sweet \things Süßigkeiten pl
    12. (person)
    you lucky \thing! du Glückliche(r) [o Glückspilz]!
    she's a dear little \thing sie ist ein Schatz
    lazy \thing Faulpelz m
    old \thing BRIT altes Haus fam, alter Knabe fam
    the poor \thing ( fam) der/die Ärmste; (man) der arme Kerl; (young woman, child) das arme Ding
    the poor \things die Ärmsten
    stupid \thing Dummkopf m, Idiot m
    a \thing of beauty is a joy forever ( saying) etwas Schönes macht immer wieder Freude
    the best \things in life are free ( saying) die besten Dinge im Leben sind umsonst
    chance would be a fine \thing! BRIT ( saying) schön wär's! fam
    to do one's own \thing sich akk selbst verwirklichen
    all [or other] \things being equal wenn nichts dazwischen kommt
    to be onto a good \thing ( fam) etwas Gutes auftun
    you can have too much of a good \thing man kann es auch übertreiben
    to be the greatest \thing since sliced bread ( fam) einfach Klasse sein fam
    to have a [or this] \thing about sb ( fam: dislike) jdn nicht ausstehen können fam; (like very much) verrückt nach jdm sein fam
    to have a [or this] \thing about sth etw nicht ausstehen können fam
    there are more \things in heaven and earth [than are dreamt of in your philosophy] BRIT ( saying) es gibt mehr Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde [als deine Schulweisheit sich träumen lässt]
    a little learning [or knowledge] is a dangerous \thing ( saying) zu wenig Wissen kann gefährlich werden
    to make a [big] \thing out of sth aus etw dat eine große Sache machen, um etw akk viel Wirbel machen
    the next big \thing der neueste Trend
    to be just one of those \things (be unavoidable) einfach unvermeidlich sein; (typical happening) typisch sein
    this is just one of those \things da kann man halt nichts machen fam
    to the pure all \things are pure ( saying) dem Reinen ist alles rein
    these \things are sent to try us BRIT ( saying) das sind die Prüfungen, die uns das Schicksal auferlegt
    to take \things easy sich akk ausruhen
    worse \things happen at sea ( saying) davon [o SCHWEIZ wegen dem] geht die Welt nicht unter fam
    * * *
    1) (= any material object) Ding nt

    a thing of beauty/great value — etwas Schönes/sehr Wertvolles

    she likes sweet thingssie mag Süßes or süße Sachen

    2) pl (= clothes, equipment, belongings) Sachen pl
    3) (non material = affair, subject) Sache f

    you know, it's a funny thing — wissen Sie, es ist schon seltsam

    the odd/best thing about it is... — das Seltsame/Beste daran ist,...

    it's a good thing I came —

    it's a bad/strange thing but... — es ist schlecht/seltsam, aber...

    to make a big thing of or about doing sth — eine große Sache daraus machen, dass man etw tut

    he's on to or onto a good thing (inf)er hat da was Gutes aufgetan (inf)

    what a ( silly) thing to do —

    there is one/one other thing I want to ask you —

    and there's another thing, why didn't you...? — und noch etwas, warum haben Sie nicht...?

    it's one thing to talk about it, it's another to do it — es ist eine Sache, davon zu reden, eine völlig andere, es dann auch zu tun

    the things you do/say! — was du so machst/sagst!

    I must be hearing/seeing things! — ich glaube, ich höre/sehe nicht richtig, ich glaube, ich spinne! (inf)

    all the things I meant to say/do —

    to expect great things of sb/sth — Großes or große Dinge von jdm/etw erwarten

    I must think things overich muss mir die Sache or das überlegen

    as things stand at the moment, as things are... — so wie die Dinge im Moment liegen

    how are things ( with you)? — wie gehts (bei) Ihnen?

    since that's how things are... — wenn das so ist..., in dem Fall...

    taking one thing with another — im Großen und Ganzen, alles in allem

    (what) with one thing and another I haven't had time to do it yet — ich bin einfach noch nicht dazu gekommen

    for one thing it doesn't make senseerst einmal ergibt das überhaupt keinen Sinn

    not to see/understand a thing — (absolut) nichts sehen/verstehen

    not to know a thing — (absolut) nichts wissen, keine Ahnung haben

    4) (= person, animal) Ding nt

    I say, old thing (dated inf) — na, du altes Haus (inf)

    lucky thing! — der/die Glückliche/du Glückliche(r)!


    (= what is suitable, best) that's just the thing for me — das ist genau das Richtige für mich

    that's not the thing to do —

    the thing to do now would be... — was wir jetzt machen sollten, wäre...

    that would be the honourable thing to do — es wäre nur anständig, das zu tun


    (in phrases) I'm not at my best first thing in the morning — so früh am Morgen bin ich nicht gerade in Hochform

    the thing is to know when... — man muss wissen, wann...

    yes, but the thing is... — ja, aber...

    the thing is we haven't got enough money —

    the thing is, you see, he loves her — das Problem ist, dass er sie liebt

    yes but the thing is it won't work — ja, aber das Dumme ist, es funktioniert nicht


    (all) things German/mystical/mechanical — alles Deutsche/Geheimnisvolle/Mechanische

    8) (inf for forgotten name of person) Dings(bums) mf (inf)
    * * *
    thing1, oft Thing [θıŋ] s PARL Thing n (in Skandinavien und Island: Reichstag oder Volksgerichtsversammlung)
    thing2 [θıŋ] s
    1. Ding n, Gegenstand m:
    the law of things JUR das Sachenrecht;
    things personal (real) JUR (un)bewegliche Sachen;
    just the thing I wanted genau (das), was ich haben wollte;
    it was so dark that I could not see a thing dass ich überhaupt nichts sehen konnte;
    she says she hasn’t got a thing to wear sie hat (überhaupt) nichts anzuziehen
    2. umg
    a) Ding n, Dings(da) n
    b) euph Ding n (männliches oder weibliches Geschlechtsteil)
    3. Ding n, Sache f, Angelegenheit f:
    above all things vor allen Dingen, vor allem;
    things political politische Dinge, alles Politische;
    that was a close thing das hätte ins Auge gehen können umg, das ist gerade noch einmal gut gegangen;
    a pretty thing iron eine schöne Geschichte;
    for one thing (erstens) einmal;
    for one thing … and for another zum einen … und zum anderen;
    the latest thing in hats das Neueste in oder an Hüten;
    in all things in jeder Hinsicht;
    no small thing keine Kleinigkeit;
    not a thing (rein) gar nichts;
    of all things ausgerechnet (dieses etc);
    it’s one of those things da kann man (halt) nichts machen;
    that’s one of those little things that are sent to try us wenn es solche Dinge nicht gäbe, ginge es uns wahrscheinlich viel zu gut;
    be a thing of the past der Vergangenheit angehören;
    be too much of a good thing zu viel des Guten sein;
    I’ve got better things to do than … ich habe Wichtigeres zu tun als …;
    do great things große Dinge tun, Großes vollbringen;
    do one’s (own) thing umg tun, was man will;
    expect great things from sb große Dinge von jemandem erwarten;
    we had expected better things from him wir hatten mehr von ihm erwartet;
    a) jemanden, etwas wahnsinnig gern mögen,
    b) jemanden, etwas überhaupt nicht ausstehen können;
    if I hate one thing, it is … wenn ich eines hasse, dann ist es …;
    make a thing of ( oder about) etwas aufbauschen;
    make a big thing out of viel Aufhebens machen von;
    this proves three things das beweist dreierlei;
    he can still teach them a thing or two er kann ihnen noch immer etwas oder das eine od andere beibringen;
    I could tell you a thing or two about him ich könnte dir (so) einiges über ihn erzählen; first A 1, last1 A 1
    4. pl Dinge pl, Umstände pl, (Sach)Lage f:
    things are improving die Dinge oder Verhältnisse bessern sich
    5. pl Sachen pl, Zeug n (Gepäck, Gerät, Kleider etc):
    put on one’s things sich anziehen
    6. pl Sachen pl (Getränke, Essen, Medizin):
    a lot of good things viele gute Sachen (zum Essen und Trinken)
    7. Wesen n, Geschöpf n:
    8. a) Ding n (Mädchen etc):
    b) Kerl m:
    (the) poor thing das arme Ding, der arme Kerl;
    poor thing! der oder die Ärmste!, du oder Sie Ärmste(r)!;
    the dear old thing die gute alte Haut umg; old A 10
    * * *
    1) (inanimate object) Sache, die; Ding, das

    not a thingüberhaupt od. gar nichts

    do things to somebody/something — (fig. coll.) auf jemanden/etwas eine enorme Wirkung haben (ugs.)

    3) (fact) [Tat]sache, die

    it's a strange thing that... — es ist seltsam, dass...

    for one thing, you don't have enough money[, for another thing...] — zunächst einmal hast du nicht genügend Geld [, außerdem...]

    the best/worst thing about the situation/her — das Beste/Schlimmste an der Situation/an ihr

    know/learn a thing or two about something/somebody — sich mit etwas/jemandem auskennen/einiges über etwas (Akk.) lernen/über jemanden erfahren

    the [only] thing is that... — die Sache ist [nur] die, dass...

    say the first thing that comes into one's head — das sagen, was einem gerade so einfällt

    have a thing about somebody/something — (coll.) (be obsessed about) auf jemanden/etwas abfahren (salopp); (be prejudiced about) etwas gegen jemanden/etwas haben; (be afraid of or repulsed by) einen Horror vor jemandem/etwas haben (ugs.)

    6) (affair) Sache, die; Angelegenheit, die

    make a [big] thing of something — (regard as essential) auf etwas besonderen Wert legen; (get excited about) sich über etwas (Akk.) aufregen

    how are things? — wie geht's [dir]?

    as things stand [with me] — so wie die Dinge [bei mir] liegen

    it's just one of those things(coll.) so was kommt schon mal vor (ugs.)

    8) (individual, creature) Ding, das

    she is in hospital, poor thing — sie ist im Krankenhaus, das arme Ding

    you spiteful thing! — du [gemeines] Biest!

    9) in pl. (personal belongings, outer clothing) Sachen
    10) in pl. (matters)

    an expert/authority on things historical — ein Fachmann/eine Autorität in geschichtlichen Fragen

    11) (product of work) Sache, die

    do one's own thing(coll.) sich selbst verwirklichen

    13) (coll.): (something remarkable)

    but the thing is, will she come in fact? — aber die Frage ist, wird sie auch tatsächlich kommen?

    * * *
    Ding -e n.
    Sache -n f.

    English-german dictionary > thing

  • 20 controlar

    1 to control.
    Pedro controla su vida al fin Peter controls his life at last.
    María controla a sus hijos con lástima Mary controls her kids through pity.
    2 to check.
    3 to watch, to keep an eye on.
    4 to take over, to control.
    María controla los negocios Mary takes over business.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to control
    2 (comprobar) to check
    1 (moderarse) to control oneself
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=dominar) [+ situación, emoción, balón, vehículo, inflación] to control

    los rebeldes controlan ya todo el país — the rebels now control the whole country, the rebels are now in control of the whole country

    no controlo muy bien ese tema* I'm not very hot on that subject *

    2) (=vigilar)

    contrólame al niño mientras yo estoy fuera* can you keep an eye on the child while I'm out

    controla que no hierva el café* make sure the coffee doesn't boil, see that the coffee doesn't boil

    3) (=regular) to control
    VI *
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( dominar) <nervios/impulsos/persona> to control
    2) ( vigilar) <inflación/proceso> to monitor

    controlar el peso/la línea — to watch one's weight/one's waistline

    3) ( regular) <presión/inflación> to control
    controlarse v pron
    1) ( dominarse) to control oneself
    2) ( vigilar) <peso/colesterol> to check, monitor
    * * *
    = control, get + command of, govern, keep + a rein on, keep within + bounds, monitor, regulate, peg, police, master, command, scourge, keep down + Nombre, stem + the tide of, bring under + control, hold in + line, gain + control (over/of), get + a grip on, hold + the reins of, corral, check up on, keep + tabs on, wield + control, hold + sway (over), wiretap [wire-tap], hold + the line, keep + a tight hold on, take + control of, stay on top of, stay in + control, rein in, hold + Nombre + in.
    Ex. These fields control the access to the main record and are all fixed length fields.
    Ex. The great storyteller, FC Sayers, having advised the beginner to 'steep himself in folklore until the elemental themes are part of himself,' explains how best to get command of a tale.
    Ex. It is not sufficient merely to describe the processes that govern the creation and generation of indexing and abstracting data.
    Ex. Cases keep discussion grounded on certain persistent facts that must be faced, and keep a realistic rein on airy flights of academic speculation.
    Ex. Costs can be kept within reasonable bounds if a method appropriate to the specific application is chosen.
    Ex. Ideally it should be possible to include some form of student assessment or to monitor the student's progress.
    Ex. Built into each operator are sets of instructions to the computer which regulate where the term must appear in the printed entries generated from the string, typefaces, and necessary punctuation.
    Ex. After a couple of months, I had his overall behavior pretty well pegged.
    Ex. For many centuries local authorities have been responsible for policing Weights and Measures Acts and regulations and, where a breach of legislation was uncovered, would prosecute in the criminal court.
    Ex. The library director strove to master his frustration.
    Ex. Very few engravers commanded the necessary artistry.
    Ex. The reference librarian must always resist an impulse to be glib; he must scourge and throttle his vanity; he must reach a conclusion rather than begin with it.
    Ex. Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex. This article discusses some strategies that are being developed to stem the tide of losses caused worldwide by piracy.
    Ex. But the unions were able to add their weight to the authority of the parliamentary investigators in bringing the worst excesses of unregulated apprenticeship and of working conditions under control = No obstante, los sindicatos pudieron reforzar la autoridad de los investigadores parlamentarios para controlar los peores excesos que se cometían en el aprendizaje de un oficio y las condiciones laborales sin regularizar.
    Ex. The library staff consists of 6 professional librarians and 11 clerical workers, all of whom are held firmly in line by the forceful personality of the director, a retired military colonel.
    Ex. Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.
    Ex. The article ' Getting a grip on change' argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.
    Ex. This trend may also be explained by the hegemony of those who hold the reins of international publication.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Microfilm retrieval system corrals paper flood for Ameritech publishing'.
    Ex. The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.
    Ex. The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.
    Ex. Influence and control is currently wielded by sterile professionals who are blind to the need to develop services beyond print.
    Ex. This ideology appealed widely to the librarian as well as the library user and held sway for nearly a quarter of a millennium when, in 1841, a catalytic event in the history of cataloging took place.
    Ex. The implementation of this system would enable law enforcement agencies to wiretap all digital communication.
    Ex. The standpatters argue, and the progressives agree, that the tax line must be held in the interest of attracting industry = Los conservadores proponen y los progresistas están de acuerdo en que se deben contener los impuestos para atraer a la industria.
    Ex. A study of telly-addicts has found that in 45 per cent of homes mums keep a tight hold on the remote control.
    Ex. Five years after they took control of war-ravaged Afghanistan, reconstruction remains a job half done.
    Ex. Adapting to change -- and staying on top of the changes -- is a huge key to success in industry.
    Ex. This section of the book is all about how to stay in control of your personal information.
    Ex. If librarians hope to rein in escalating periodical prices, they must become more assertive consumers.
    Ex. The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine.
    * controlar aún más = tighten + Posesivo + grip on.
    * controlar el presupuesto = control + the purse strings.
    * controlar la economía = control + the purse strings.
    * controlar las finanzas = control + the purse strings.
    * controlar la situación = tame + the beast.
    * controlar los gastos = control + costs, contain + costs.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * controlarse = command + Reflexivo, pace.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( dominar) <nervios/impulsos/persona> to control
    2) ( vigilar) <inflación/proceso> to monitor

    controlar el peso/la línea — to watch one's weight/one's waistline

    3) ( regular) <presión/inflación> to control
    controlarse v pron
    1) ( dominarse) to control oneself
    2) ( vigilar) <peso/colesterol> to check, monitor
    * * *
    = control, get + command of, govern, keep + a rein on, keep within + bounds, monitor, regulate, peg, police, master, command, scourge, keep down + Nombre, stem + the tide of, bring under + control, hold in + line, gain + control (over/of), get + a grip on, hold + the reins of, corral, check up on, keep + tabs on, wield + control, hold + sway (over), wiretap [wire-tap], hold + the line, keep + a tight hold on, take + control of, stay on top of, stay in + control, rein in, hold + Nombre + in.

    Ex: These fields control the access to the main record and are all fixed length fields.

    Ex: The great storyteller, FC Sayers, having advised the beginner to 'steep himself in folklore until the elemental themes are part of himself,' explains how best to get command of a tale.
    Ex: It is not sufficient merely to describe the processes that govern the creation and generation of indexing and abstracting data.
    Ex: Cases keep discussion grounded on certain persistent facts that must be faced, and keep a realistic rein on airy flights of academic speculation.
    Ex: Costs can be kept within reasonable bounds if a method appropriate to the specific application is chosen.
    Ex: Ideally it should be possible to include some form of student assessment or to monitor the student's progress.
    Ex: Built into each operator are sets of instructions to the computer which regulate where the term must appear in the printed entries generated from the string, typefaces, and necessary punctuation.
    Ex: After a couple of months, I had his overall behavior pretty well pegged.
    Ex: For many centuries local authorities have been responsible for policing Weights and Measures Acts and regulations and, where a breach of legislation was uncovered, would prosecute in the criminal court.
    Ex: The library director strove to master his frustration.
    Ex: Very few engravers commanded the necessary artistry.
    Ex: The reference librarian must always resist an impulse to be glib; he must scourge and throttle his vanity; he must reach a conclusion rather than begin with it.
    Ex: Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex: This article discusses some strategies that are being developed to stem the tide of losses caused worldwide by piracy.
    Ex: But the unions were able to add their weight to the authority of the parliamentary investigators in bringing the worst excesses of unregulated apprenticeship and of working conditions under control = No obstante, los sindicatos pudieron reforzar la autoridad de los investigadores parlamentarios para controlar los peores excesos que se cometían en el aprendizaje de un oficio y las condiciones laborales sin regularizar.
    Ex: The library staff consists of 6 professional librarians and 11 clerical workers, all of whom are held firmly in line by the forceful personality of the director, a retired military colonel.
    Ex: Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.
    Ex: The article ' Getting a grip on change' argues that only by confronting the challenges and inevitability of change can libraries retain their relevancy in the information age.
    Ex: This trend may also be explained by the hegemony of those who hold the reins of international publication.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Microfilm retrieval system corrals paper flood for Ameritech publishing'.
    Ex: The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.
    Ex: The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.
    Ex: Influence and control is currently wielded by sterile professionals who are blind to the need to develop services beyond print.
    Ex: This ideology appealed widely to the librarian as well as the library user and held sway for nearly a quarter of a millennium when, in 1841, a catalytic event in the history of cataloging took place.
    Ex: The implementation of this system would enable law enforcement agencies to wiretap all digital communication.
    Ex: The standpatters argue, and the progressives agree, that the tax line must be held in the interest of attracting industry = Los conservadores proponen y los progresistas están de acuerdo en que se deben contener los impuestos para atraer a la industria.
    Ex: A study of telly-addicts has found that in 45 per cent of homes mums keep a tight hold on the remote control.
    Ex: Five years after they took control of war-ravaged Afghanistan, reconstruction remains a job half done.
    Ex: Adapting to change -- and staying on top of the changes -- is a huge key to success in industry.
    Ex: This section of the book is all about how to stay in control of your personal information.
    Ex: If librarians hope to rein in escalating periodical prices, they must become more assertive consumers.
    Ex: The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine.
    * controlar aún más = tighten + Posesivo + grip on.
    * controlar el presupuesto = control + the purse strings.
    * controlar la economía = control + the purse strings.
    * controlar las finanzas = control + the purse strings.
    * controlar la situación = tame + the beast.
    * controlar los gastos = control + costs, contain + costs.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * controlarse = command + Reflexivo, pace.

    * * *
    controlar [A1 ]
    1 ‹nervios/impulsos/emociones› to control; ‹persona/animal› to control
    controlamos la situación we are in control of the situation, we have the situation under control
    el incendio fue rápidamente controlado por los bomberos the firemen quickly got o brought the fire under control
    controlan ahora toda la zona they now control o they are now in control of the whole area
    pasaron a controlar la empresa they took control of the company
    2 ( fam); ‹tema› to know about
    estos temas no los controlo I don't know anything about these things, I'm not too well up on o hot on these things ( colloq)
    (vigilar): tiene que controlar su peso he has to watch o check o ( frml) monitor his weight
    deja de controlar todos mis gastos stop checking up on how much I spend the whole time
    me tienen muy controlada they keep a close watch o they keep tabs on everything I do, they keep me on a very tight rein
    el portero controlaba las entradas y salidas the porter kept a check on everyone who came in or out
    controlé el tiempo que me llevó I timed myself o how long it took me
    C (regular) to control
    este mecanismo controla la presión this mechanism regulates o controls the pressure
    medidas para controlar la inflación measures to control inflation o to bring inflation under control
    D ( Dep) (en doping) to administer a test to
    fue controlado positivo tras su victoria he tested positive after his victory
    lo controlaron negativo he was tested negative
    A (dominarse) to control oneself
    si no se controla acabará alcoholizado if he doesn't get a grip o a hold on himself he's going to become an alcoholic
    B (vigilar) ‹peso/colesterol› to check, watch, monitor ( frml)
    se controla el peso regularmente she checks her weight regularly, she keeps a regular check on her weight
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    controlar algo
    controlar ( conjugate controlar) verbo transitivo
    1nervios/impulsos/persona to control;
    incendioto bring … under control;

    pasaron a controlar la empresa they took control of the company
    2inflación/proceso to monitor;
    persona to keep a check on;
    controlar el peso/la línea to watch one's weight/one's waistline;

    controlé el tiempo que me llevó I timed how long it took me
    3 ( regular) ‹presión/inflación to control
    controlarse verbo pronominal ( dominarse) to control oneself;
    ( vigilar) ‹peso/colesterol to check, monitor
    controlar verbo transitivo
    1 to control
    2 (comprobar) to check
    ' controlar' also found in these entries:
    - fraude
    - manejar
    - potingue
    - sujetar
    - contener
    - grip
    - hold down
    - manage
    - monitor
    - regiment
    - spot-check
    - stamp out
    - check
    - discipline
    - help
    - unruly
    * * *
    1. [dominar] to control;
    controlar la situación to be in control of the situation;
    la empresa controla el 30 por ciento del mercado the company controls 30 percent of the market;
    los bomberos todavía no han conseguido controlar el incendio firefighters have still not managed to bring the fire under control;
    medidas para controlar los precios measures to control prices
    2. [comprobar, verificar] to check;
    controla el nivel del aceite check the oil level;
    controlan continuamente su tensión arterial they are continuously monitoring his blood pressure
    3. [vigilar] to watch, to keep an eye on;
    la policía controla todos sus movimientos the police watch his every move;
    nos controlan la hora de llegada they keep a check on when we arrive;
    controla que no se cuele nadie see o make sure that no one Br jumps the queue o US cuts in line
    Fam [saber] to know;
    Rosa controla un montón de química Rosa knows loads about chemistry
    * * *
    1 control
    2 ( vigilar) check
    * * *
    1) : to control
    2) : to monitor, to check
    * * *
    1. (dominar) to control [pt. & pp. controlled]
    2. (comprobar) to check

    Spanish-English dictionary > controlar

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Situation des Noirs dans le mormonisme — Temple mormon d Abu Nigeria La situation des Noirs dans le mormonisme au sein de l’Église de Jésus Christ des saints des derniers jours a longtemps fait l’objet de controverses, principalement en raison du refus, jusqu’en 1978, d’ordonner des… …   Wikipédia en Français

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